HDTV Antenna A Bird's Eye View

HDTV Antenna - A Bird's Eye View
By Jaksa Dubljanin

There has been a lot of hype lately about having a HDTV antenna. Is it just hype or should you really get it?

First, what is the hype about having a HDTV antenna? The hype is that with the antenna, you can watch 1080i resolution broadcasts and will get better quality than satellite TV. The truth is going to hurt if you already have bought a HDTV antenna. There is really no such as a HDTV antenna.


All an antenna does is pick up frequencies. The frequencies that you pick up for your TV are Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) and Very High Frequencies (VHF). All TV broadcasts take place in the VHF and UHF bands. High definition can be part of these frequencies and you do not need a special HDTV antenna to pick them up. Your regular antenna could do the job just as well.

An HDTV antenna and a regular antenna have the same electrical and spatial properties. They must have directivity, high front-to-back (F/B) ratio and low-noise amplification when the antenna has an amplifier. If they have the same properties, why pay more to get something that is the same?

People have this perception that they need a more powerful HDTV antenna because of directivity and amplification. This is not true. HDTV is actually more noise immune than analog television and will be able to produce high quality video at significantly lower signal-to-noise ratios. Digital TV needs less antenna gain and can tolerate higher noise levels. A HDTV antenna and a regular antenna have similar directivity/gain properties so you should receive analog or digital broadcasts with the same good quality.


One problem that an analog antenna and a HDTV antenna have in common is that there is always a chance of a ghost creation. To get to your antenna, the signal must take many paths to get past tall buildings or other reflective structures. An antenna has to have a high F/B ratio to overcome the creation of a ghost image. There is actually more chance of getting a ghost image with a high definition TV since it has a slightly larger bandwidth. An analog antenna could handle this image better than a HDTV antenna. If the ghost images that could come up with an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna bother you, you should probably get a satellite dish. There should be no ghost image because the signal does not have to take multiple paths to get to the satellite dish. The satellite's signal goes directly up into the sky and the signal comes back from space. There are no buildings or anything else between the satellite dish and the sky.

A satellite dish can also provide more channels than an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna can provide. All the channels will all come in crisp and clear with no chance of a ghost image.

If an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna cannot provide you with the TV image that you want, you might as well go with a satellite dish and that is the truth, not hype.

This article is provided by Jaksa Dubljanin. For more information about Satellite TV news, technology, deals and offers, visit http://www.squidoo.com/satellite-tv-info/ and

This article may be freely reprinted and republished as long as the article body and resource box remain intact with all links clickable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JaksaDubljanin

Indoor TV Antennas for HDTV: Comparison and Reviews

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Philips PHDTV1 Silver Sensor UHF/HDTV Digital Indoor TV Antenna ..... I was shopping around for an indoor HDTV antenna until I stumbled across Terk's HDTVi. ...www.amazon.com/Terk-Technology-HDTVi-Indoor-Antenna/

Indoor TV Antennas for HDTV: Comparison and Reviews
Indoor HDTV antennas - reviews, recommendations and prices. Terk, Winegard, and RCA indoor antennas capable of HDTV reception.www.hdtvantennalabs.com/indoor.php

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Property Renovations: Part 2 More Focus Areas

In Part One of our discussion, we focused on several aspects of home renovation that are important for success in your investment. Last time, we focused on more of the smaller details - the garden, repairing and touching-up minor damages, fences, etc. Now, we should focus on some of the more noticeable areas of property renovations.

It?s very important to check for any electrical or plumbing problems before you start doing any painting on the interior of the home. This way, you won?t run into any problems down the road with re-painting if any damage occurs.

Painting your interior is important stuff - you?d be surprised at the degree that paint affects the selling price. The key is to do your math first; if you feel like painting yourself would save enough money and could be in done in an adequate amount of time, you should use the do-it-yourself approach. However, if you are inexperienced and are unable to devote enough time and effort into the project, letting a professional do the job is probably the safest route.

When approaching the paint job, keep in mind the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid! Don?t let your personal preferences affect the way you go about your property renovations. The following are some basic painting rules you should follow:

1. Always prepare surfaces prior to painting. Be sure to wash down walls, and repair any cracks or holes, and sand, where needed. Bathrooms and kitchens are the most susceptible to grime and mold, so pay close attention.

2. Use one color. It saves you time and money. Gloss paint usually appears darker, providing slight contrast. The condition of the trims should determine the use of gloss or semi-gloss. Remember, as well, that gloss tends to highlight imperfections.

3. Make a trip to the paint store and browse the newest colors. Feature walls are an effective way to add some pizzazz to your paint job. Dark, small rooms and dark paint do not mix; this only enhances the problem.

4. If there are darker colors or wall stains, you should use a special sealer. If you don?t, and you apply extra coats of paint, the walls will remain stained.

5. Wallpaper trims often add a nice touch, so apply when needed.

The kitchen, for many homeowners, is the center of attention. Kitchen remodeling, however, can get pricey, so you may want to stick to changing minor features on the property. Renovations such as new bench tops, repainted cabinet doors, and new wall tiles are all simple fixes. New door handles, faucets, and wallpaper trims are all low-cost solutions, as well.

Sometimes a quick facelift isn?t enough. On some occasions, a kitchen may need to be fully replaced. If this happens, remember the K.I.S.S. approach, and don?t go overboard. Many suppliers offer kitchen kits which are ready to assemble; these can help save loads of time if you come across them. Keep the kitchen light and bright, with cheerful curtains.

Make sure all appliances are in working order, and only replace if it is unavoidable. Install a durable floor, and test all faucets, to ensure that water pressure is adequate. If you run across second-hand items in good condition, make use of them.

Everything you just read is very important to property renovations, but we are finished here, yet. In the third installment, we?ll discuss even more tips that can help you achieve success.


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Real Estate Market Statistics in California

How would you like to own your very own piece of Golden State property? Real estate in California can fluctuate a lot. It tends to be pricey in most parts of the state due to the high demand for property there.

The California real estate market is one that is watched by people from all over the world. Many people want to have their own opportunity to own a piece of the great state of California. The problem is that nice land or property is not readily available in California. If it is, the price is very steep. There are also many popular overpopulated or polluted areas of the state.

Where the Market Stands

To understand where the market stands, you need to realize that there are different parts to the state of California. Such a big state is going to have lots of different types of property and real estate. There has recently been a steep increase in residential foreclosures in California. Residential foreclosure activity in California surged to its highest level in more than four years last quarter, the result of slower home sales and flattening prices. This could mean great opportunities for someone looking to break in to the real estate market in California.

Bay Area home prices fell on a year-over-year basis for the first time in more than four years last month. Sales were at their lowest level in five years. A total of 42,450 new and resale houses and condos were sold statewide last month. That is down 14.8 percent from 49,800 for August and down 28.8 percent from a 59,600 for September 2005.

Does this mean that fewer people are buying real estate or just that there are fewer available since they are all bought up? It?s likely a bit of both. You will need to stay up t date with the market to see how things continue to change.

Keeping Up to Date

What is happening in the real estate market this month? How can you find out where the real estate prices are at any given time? How can you learn the value and worth of a particular Californian property?

There are easy ways for you to stay up to date on what is happening in California real estate even if you live someplace else in the world. There are websites online that show you regularly updated figures and statistics. This is a great way to stay in touch with what is going on in the Californian real estate market. You can even set up one of these pages as your home page, create an RSS feed on your own site or even have the figures and data sent to your mobile device to stay up to date no matter where you are.

To view homes for sale visit QuickPickProperty.com


By Carol Ann Culbert Johnson

What is self-publishing? This is a concept we all want to know. Self-publishing is paying to have your book published. What is so wrong with that? We have traditional publishers, and we have publishers like iUniverse.com, Lulu.com, Outskirtspress.com, and Booksurge.com. There are many more, but these are some of the popular ones.

As I browse their websites, and their bookstores, I see that I am not the only one interested in self-publishing. There are tons of authors who have given this path some serious thought, and actually utilized their knowledge to make their dreams come true.

Authors have no choice in the matter because we just cant depend on the traditional process to make our dreams a reality. I sent my book proposal out so many times I think my eyes are going blind or something. The traditional publishers send informal rejection letters, and some of them do not even bother to send anything. You figure if you do not hear from them in six months, they discarded your partial manuscript in the slush pile which went automatically to the garbage pile. How insensitive is this?

If I am being rejected, I want to know the reason why, and a nice letter with my name and address on it, addressed exclusively to me, explaining the fact that you read my manuscript and what you did not like about it. This kind of rejection will give me the courage to send out my manuscript to another publisher with some revisions that I received from a rejected publisher.

Authors work hard to make their books marketable by writing what is being published, and revising our hearts out. In my case I have an editor, which I pay handsomely to make sure that my book is up to market value. My editor is a published author herself, so shes knowledgeable on what I need to make my novel publishable. Shes worth the money and the information she has educated me with.

There are publishers who will not give you the time of day if you self-published your work. I think this is a myth and a rage within itself. Authors believe in their books, and its their job to make sure that readers read them, and a self-publisher will enable this. They are equipped in publishing your book, and enabling you to promote it, and not worry about the publishing side of it.

I worked with Lulu.com and this is a very inexpensive way to get your book published, and it takes less than an hour. The service is recommended because it enables anyone to publish a book, but my advice is making sure that your work is edited. Lulu.com provides the publishing tools, but its up to you to do the marketing, and thats with traditional publishers too. Authors are going to market their books by word of mouth, business cards, bookmarks, and postcards. This is a way for readers to know that we have a book published, and we want you to read it.

There are authors who are so dissatisfied with iUniverse.com and some of the other self-publishers that they are coming up with their own publishing houses. This is good also, but its going to cost a lot of money, and remember money is the key here.

Why should we pay money to publish a book? We should find a traditional publisher and let them pay us because our product is worth it and then some. We pay to get our work read. It does not matter how we manage the task, but the essence of the book. My debut novel I Confess is a collection of twenty-two, confession short stories, published by a traditional publisher. The process took a very long time, and patience was a virtue I did not have. I am highly proud of my debut novel, but there are still people who do not know my book exists. Its my goal to sell one million copies. This book is superior, and should be read.

I have spent money to go to college, buy clothes, food, books, take trips, buy houses and other material things in life, and so why not pay to self-published my book? I do not have to wait long for the entire process, which is a highly-acclaim attribute in self-publishing. There are many well-known authors today who have taken this path, and this passageway has led to success in ways unbelievable for many authors.

I am a romance author, and I have many stories to tell, and many books to write. I am going to get my book out there so readers can enjoy the stories I tell. Short of illegally doing it, I will continue to pursue the self-publishing path, and encourage others to follow in my footsteps. New writers are making their presence known and there are no ends to the many books that will be promoted soon for this year and many years to come.

Rejection is available at Lulu.com and Torn Between Two Lovers will be coming soon by Outskirtspress.com. I have more books in the works, and will publish them with iUniverse.com and more with Lulu.com and Outskirtspress.com. I have a voice and stories to tell, and they will be told. My books can also be purchased at my website at www.carolannjohnson.net so take a ride with me and romance.

And remember that when we want something done, a kingdom of wild horses wont stand in our way to make our dreams and goals come true. Self-publishing is a phenomenon I recommend, and it is here to stay for many generations and years to come. This author is ecstatic!

Copyright by Carol Ann Culbert Johnson

Carol Ann Culbert Johnson is a published author of I Confess, Rejection, Articles for the Soul, and Torn Between Two Lovers. She lives in Oak Lawn, IL, and busy at work on many more books. Ms. Johnson works full-time at a clinic, and she attends Ellis College for her BA in English/Professional Writing. She has just finished her Associate Degree in Paralegal Science.

Please visit Ms. Johnson's website at http://www.carolannjohnson.net and sign the guestbook.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=CarolAnnCulbertJohnson

One Catch22 of Internet Marketing For Authors

One Catch-22 of Internet Marketing For Authors
By Seth Mullins

When I became a published author, little over a year ago, I realized that my publisher would be doing next to nothing to push my book. So I started researching ways of doing my own promotion. I read about preparing press releases, doing book signings, methods for approaching that various media.

Somewhere along the line, I began to have more sober thoughts. Wait! I dont even own a car. What am I gonna do, hitchhike around on an authors tour? And most authors dont get offered interview spots on T.V. and Radio unless their book is ALREADY a bestseller or unless the topic theyre writing about ties in with some current and news-worthy event.

Basically, the tried-and-true methods of book promotion were beyond my means or just not feasible. No one wanted to review my book because I was an unknown author (!) The editors of the local papers and the folks at the college radio never replied to me.

Then the idea hit me: I could reach as many people on the internet, and not even have to leave my house. From that time on, I devoted hours to traversing the web. I participated in discussion forums, submitted my title to book lists like IBLIST, wrote and posted free to reprint articles with attached authors bio and links to my website on AuthorsDen. And on that site I posted a full bio, links to my book page on my publishers site, and sample chapters.

Some weeks as many as a hundred people would visit my site, and a dozen would read my excerpts. This went on week by weekover a years time.

How many books did I sell as a result of this (not including other efforts)? I could count them on my fingers. So what happened there?

Heres my hypothesis, and it has to do with the average persons perception of the web. See, to an author it seems a natural place to be exposed and generate sales. But to others, its a wide ocean of FREE information, a kind of cyber-library. My guess is that my visitors read through my sample chapters and enjoyed them.

Then they moved on, continuing to browse the endless field of free-to-view content that will forever come-hither in response to their keystrokes.

Seth Mullins is the author of Song of an Untamed Land. Visit his complete blog at http://www.writingup.com/blog/sethmullins

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=SethMullins

Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne
By David Chandler

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused due to certain biological variations in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its connecting sebaceous gland) of the skin. The most common form of acne known as acne vulgaris usually appears during adolescence.

Acne is caused due to excessive oil in human body. The glands in the skin secrete excessive amount of oil that block the hair follicles by combining naturally with the dead skin cells. Generally, people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from this problem.

Due to acne some parts of the human body are affected. Some of them are face, arms etc. The oil secretions behind the blocked pores create a perfect environment for uncontrolled multiplication by the bacteria in the skin. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). Rashes are occurred on the body. The face, upper arms, back and chest are especially affected by acne.

The certain lesions of acne are: blackish elevations or pale yellow and/or small whitish bumps. More inflamed rashes take the shape of boil-like tender swellings or reddish bumps. After resolution of the blemishes, prominent unsightly acne scars may remain.

The acne condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Acne occurs when the hormones are increased due to excess oil in the body. There is however no way to predict how long acne will take to disappear completely or that it will ever recur again.

Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life. Apart from leaving behind the marks of scars it has some psychological effects as well causing stress and depression. Therefore acne should not be neglected and should be treated with great care and responsibility to ensure a healthy life.

For more information about acne, click on Acne Treatment

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DavidChandler