HDTV Antenna A Bird's Eye View

HDTV Antenna - A Bird's Eye View
By Jaksa Dubljanin

There has been a lot of hype lately about having a HDTV antenna. Is it just hype or should you really get it?

First, what is the hype about having a HDTV antenna? The hype is that with the antenna, you can watch 1080i resolution broadcasts and will get better quality than satellite TV. The truth is going to hurt if you already have bought a HDTV antenna. There is really no such as a HDTV antenna.


All an antenna does is pick up frequencies. The frequencies that you pick up for your TV are Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) and Very High Frequencies (VHF). All TV broadcasts take place in the VHF and UHF bands. High definition can be part of these frequencies and you do not need a special HDTV antenna to pick them up. Your regular antenna could do the job just as well.

An HDTV antenna and a regular antenna have the same electrical and spatial properties. They must have directivity, high front-to-back (F/B) ratio and low-noise amplification when the antenna has an amplifier. If they have the same properties, why pay more to get something that is the same?

People have this perception that they need a more powerful HDTV antenna because of directivity and amplification. This is not true. HDTV is actually more noise immune than analog television and will be able to produce high quality video at significantly lower signal-to-noise ratios. Digital TV needs less antenna gain and can tolerate higher noise levels. A HDTV antenna and a regular antenna have similar directivity/gain properties so you should receive analog or digital broadcasts with the same good quality.


One problem that an analog antenna and a HDTV antenna have in common is that there is always a chance of a ghost creation. To get to your antenna, the signal must take many paths to get past tall buildings or other reflective structures. An antenna has to have a high F/B ratio to overcome the creation of a ghost image. There is actually more chance of getting a ghost image with a high definition TV since it has a slightly larger bandwidth. An analog antenna could handle this image better than a HDTV antenna. If the ghost images that could come up with an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna bother you, you should probably get a satellite dish. There should be no ghost image because the signal does not have to take multiple paths to get to the satellite dish. The satellite's signal goes directly up into the sky and the signal comes back from space. There are no buildings or anything else between the satellite dish and the sky.

A satellite dish can also provide more channels than an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna can provide. All the channels will all come in crisp and clear with no chance of a ghost image.

If an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna cannot provide you with the TV image that you want, you might as well go with a satellite dish and that is the truth, not hype.

This article is provided by Jaksa Dubljanin. For more information about Satellite TV news, technology, deals and offers, visit http://www.squidoo.com/satellite-tv-info/ and

This article may be freely reprinted and republished as long as the article body and resource box remain intact with all links clickable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JaksaDubljanin

Indoor TV Antennas for HDTV: Comparison and Reviews

Amazon.com: Terk Technology HDTVi VHF/UHF HDTV Indoor Antenna ...
Philips PHDTV1 Silver Sensor UHF/HDTV Digital Indoor TV Antenna ..... I was shopping around for an indoor HDTV antenna until I stumbled across Terk's HDTVi. ...www.amazon.com/Terk-Technology-HDTVi-Indoor-Antenna/

Indoor TV Antennas for HDTV: Comparison and Reviews
Indoor HDTV antennas - reviews, recommendations and prices. Terk, Winegard, and RCA indoor antennas capable of HDTV reception.www.hdtvantennalabs.com/indoor.php

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buy cheap hdtv antenna indoor online. ... hdtv antenna indoor store buy cheap hdtv antenna indoor online http://astore.amazon.com/hdtv-antenna-indoor-20 ...www.webindexthai.com/

Property Renovations: Part 2 More Focus Areas

In Part One of our discussion, we focused on several aspects of home renovation that are important for success in your investment. Last time, we focused on more of the smaller details - the garden, repairing and touching-up minor damages, fences, etc. Now, we should focus on some of the more noticeable areas of property renovations.

It?s very important to check for any electrical or plumbing problems before you start doing any painting on the interior of the home. This way, you won?t run into any problems down the road with re-painting if any damage occurs.

Painting your interior is important stuff - you?d be surprised at the degree that paint affects the selling price. The key is to do your math first; if you feel like painting yourself would save enough money and could be in done in an adequate amount of time, you should use the do-it-yourself approach. However, if you are inexperienced and are unable to devote enough time and effort into the project, letting a professional do the job is probably the safest route.

When approaching the paint job, keep in mind the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid! Don?t let your personal preferences affect the way you go about your property renovations. The following are some basic painting rules you should follow:

1. Always prepare surfaces prior to painting. Be sure to wash down walls, and repair any cracks or holes, and sand, where needed. Bathrooms and kitchens are the most susceptible to grime and mold, so pay close attention.

2. Use one color. It saves you time and money. Gloss paint usually appears darker, providing slight contrast. The condition of the trims should determine the use of gloss or semi-gloss. Remember, as well, that gloss tends to highlight imperfections.

3. Make a trip to the paint store and browse the newest colors. Feature walls are an effective way to add some pizzazz to your paint job. Dark, small rooms and dark paint do not mix; this only enhances the problem.

4. If there are darker colors or wall stains, you should use a special sealer. If you don?t, and you apply extra coats of paint, the walls will remain stained.

5. Wallpaper trims often add a nice touch, so apply when needed.

The kitchen, for many homeowners, is the center of attention. Kitchen remodeling, however, can get pricey, so you may want to stick to changing minor features on the property. Renovations such as new bench tops, repainted cabinet doors, and new wall tiles are all simple fixes. New door handles, faucets, and wallpaper trims are all low-cost solutions, as well.

Sometimes a quick facelift isn?t enough. On some occasions, a kitchen may need to be fully replaced. If this happens, remember the K.I.S.S. approach, and don?t go overboard. Many suppliers offer kitchen kits which are ready to assemble; these can help save loads of time if you come across them. Keep the kitchen light and bright, with cheerful curtains.

Make sure all appliances are in working order, and only replace if it is unavoidable. Install a durable floor, and test all faucets, to ensure that water pressure is adequate. If you run across second-hand items in good condition, make use of them.

Everything you just read is very important to property renovations, but we are finished here, yet. In the third installment, we?ll discuss even more tips that can help you achieve success.


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Sal Vannutini is the owner of www.fixerupperfortunes.com. Did you know that he is giving away a 14 part e-course for free! Visit now and grab this amazing opportunity, to find out how you too can make profits from your fixer upper home.

Real Estate Market Statistics in California

How would you like to own your very own piece of Golden State property? Real estate in California can fluctuate a lot. It tends to be pricey in most parts of the state due to the high demand for property there.

The California real estate market is one that is watched by people from all over the world. Many people want to have their own opportunity to own a piece of the great state of California. The problem is that nice land or property is not readily available in California. If it is, the price is very steep. There are also many popular overpopulated or polluted areas of the state.

Where the Market Stands

To understand where the market stands, you need to realize that there are different parts to the state of California. Such a big state is going to have lots of different types of property and real estate. There has recently been a steep increase in residential foreclosures in California. Residential foreclosure activity in California surged to its highest level in more than four years last quarter, the result of slower home sales and flattening prices. This could mean great opportunities for someone looking to break in to the real estate market in California.

Bay Area home prices fell on a year-over-year basis for the first time in more than four years last month. Sales were at their lowest level in five years. A total of 42,450 new and resale houses and condos were sold statewide last month. That is down 14.8 percent from 49,800 for August and down 28.8 percent from a 59,600 for September 2005.

Does this mean that fewer people are buying real estate or just that there are fewer available since they are all bought up? It?s likely a bit of both. You will need to stay up t date with the market to see how things continue to change.

Keeping Up to Date

What is happening in the real estate market this month? How can you find out where the real estate prices are at any given time? How can you learn the value and worth of a particular Californian property?

There are easy ways for you to stay up to date on what is happening in California real estate even if you live someplace else in the world. There are websites online that show you regularly updated figures and statistics. This is a great way to stay in touch with what is going on in the Californian real estate market. You can even set up one of these pages as your home page, create an RSS feed on your own site or even have the figures and data sent to your mobile device to stay up to date no matter where you are.

To view homes for sale visit QuickPickProperty.com


By Carol Ann Culbert Johnson

What is self-publishing? This is a concept we all want to know. Self-publishing is paying to have your book published. What is so wrong with that? We have traditional publishers, and we have publishers like iUniverse.com, Lulu.com, Outskirtspress.com, and Booksurge.com. There are many more, but these are some of the popular ones.

As I browse their websites, and their bookstores, I see that I am not the only one interested in self-publishing. There are tons of authors who have given this path some serious thought, and actually utilized their knowledge to make their dreams come true.

Authors have no choice in the matter because we just cant depend on the traditional process to make our dreams a reality. I sent my book proposal out so many times I think my eyes are going blind or something. The traditional publishers send informal rejection letters, and some of them do not even bother to send anything. You figure if you do not hear from them in six months, they discarded your partial manuscript in the slush pile which went automatically to the garbage pile. How insensitive is this?

If I am being rejected, I want to know the reason why, and a nice letter with my name and address on it, addressed exclusively to me, explaining the fact that you read my manuscript and what you did not like about it. This kind of rejection will give me the courage to send out my manuscript to another publisher with some revisions that I received from a rejected publisher.

Authors work hard to make their books marketable by writing what is being published, and revising our hearts out. In my case I have an editor, which I pay handsomely to make sure that my book is up to market value. My editor is a published author herself, so shes knowledgeable on what I need to make my novel publishable. Shes worth the money and the information she has educated me with.

There are publishers who will not give you the time of day if you self-published your work. I think this is a myth and a rage within itself. Authors believe in their books, and its their job to make sure that readers read them, and a self-publisher will enable this. They are equipped in publishing your book, and enabling you to promote it, and not worry about the publishing side of it.

I worked with Lulu.com and this is a very inexpensive way to get your book published, and it takes less than an hour. The service is recommended because it enables anyone to publish a book, but my advice is making sure that your work is edited. Lulu.com provides the publishing tools, but its up to you to do the marketing, and thats with traditional publishers too. Authors are going to market their books by word of mouth, business cards, bookmarks, and postcards. This is a way for readers to know that we have a book published, and we want you to read it.

There are authors who are so dissatisfied with iUniverse.com and some of the other self-publishers that they are coming up with their own publishing houses. This is good also, but its going to cost a lot of money, and remember money is the key here.

Why should we pay money to publish a book? We should find a traditional publisher and let them pay us because our product is worth it and then some. We pay to get our work read. It does not matter how we manage the task, but the essence of the book. My debut novel I Confess is a collection of twenty-two, confession short stories, published by a traditional publisher. The process took a very long time, and patience was a virtue I did not have. I am highly proud of my debut novel, but there are still people who do not know my book exists. Its my goal to sell one million copies. This book is superior, and should be read.

I have spent money to go to college, buy clothes, food, books, take trips, buy houses and other material things in life, and so why not pay to self-published my book? I do not have to wait long for the entire process, which is a highly-acclaim attribute in self-publishing. There are many well-known authors today who have taken this path, and this passageway has led to success in ways unbelievable for many authors.

I am a romance author, and I have many stories to tell, and many books to write. I am going to get my book out there so readers can enjoy the stories I tell. Short of illegally doing it, I will continue to pursue the self-publishing path, and encourage others to follow in my footsteps. New writers are making their presence known and there are no ends to the many books that will be promoted soon for this year and many years to come.

Rejection is available at Lulu.com and Torn Between Two Lovers will be coming soon by Outskirtspress.com. I have more books in the works, and will publish them with iUniverse.com and more with Lulu.com and Outskirtspress.com. I have a voice and stories to tell, and they will be told. My books can also be purchased at my website at www.carolannjohnson.net so take a ride with me and romance.

And remember that when we want something done, a kingdom of wild horses wont stand in our way to make our dreams and goals come true. Self-publishing is a phenomenon I recommend, and it is here to stay for many generations and years to come. This author is ecstatic!

Copyright by Carol Ann Culbert Johnson

Carol Ann Culbert Johnson is a published author of I Confess, Rejection, Articles for the Soul, and Torn Between Two Lovers. She lives in Oak Lawn, IL, and busy at work on many more books. Ms. Johnson works full-time at a clinic, and she attends Ellis College for her BA in English/Professional Writing. She has just finished her Associate Degree in Paralegal Science.

Please visit Ms. Johnson's website at http://www.carolannjohnson.net and sign the guestbook.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=CarolAnnCulbertJohnson

One Catch22 of Internet Marketing For Authors

One Catch-22 of Internet Marketing For Authors
By Seth Mullins

When I became a published author, little over a year ago, I realized that my publisher would be doing next to nothing to push my book. So I started researching ways of doing my own promotion. I read about preparing press releases, doing book signings, methods for approaching that various media.

Somewhere along the line, I began to have more sober thoughts. Wait! I dont even own a car. What am I gonna do, hitchhike around on an authors tour? And most authors dont get offered interview spots on T.V. and Radio unless their book is ALREADY a bestseller or unless the topic theyre writing about ties in with some current and news-worthy event.

Basically, the tried-and-true methods of book promotion were beyond my means or just not feasible. No one wanted to review my book because I was an unknown author (!) The editors of the local papers and the folks at the college radio never replied to me.

Then the idea hit me: I could reach as many people on the internet, and not even have to leave my house. From that time on, I devoted hours to traversing the web. I participated in discussion forums, submitted my title to book lists like IBLIST, wrote and posted free to reprint articles with attached authors bio and links to my website on AuthorsDen. And on that site I posted a full bio, links to my book page on my publishers site, and sample chapters.

Some weeks as many as a hundred people would visit my site, and a dozen would read my excerpts. This went on week by weekover a years time.

How many books did I sell as a result of this (not including other efforts)? I could count them on my fingers. So what happened there?

Heres my hypothesis, and it has to do with the average persons perception of the web. See, to an author it seems a natural place to be exposed and generate sales. But to others, its a wide ocean of FREE information, a kind of cyber-library. My guess is that my visitors read through my sample chapters and enjoyed them.

Then they moved on, continuing to browse the endless field of free-to-view content that will forever come-hither in response to their keystrokes.

Seth Mullins is the author of Song of an Untamed Land. Visit his complete blog at http://www.writingup.com/blog/sethmullins

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=SethMullins

Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne
By David Chandler

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused due to certain biological variations in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its connecting sebaceous gland) of the skin. The most common form of acne known as acne vulgaris usually appears during adolescence.

Acne is caused due to excessive oil in human body. The glands in the skin secrete excessive amount of oil that block the hair follicles by combining naturally with the dead skin cells. Generally, people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from this problem.

Due to acne some parts of the human body are affected. Some of them are face, arms etc. The oil secretions behind the blocked pores create a perfect environment for uncontrolled multiplication by the bacteria in the skin. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). Rashes are occurred on the body. The face, upper arms, back and chest are especially affected by acne.

The certain lesions of acne are: blackish elevations or pale yellow and/or small whitish bumps. More inflamed rashes take the shape of boil-like tender swellings or reddish bumps. After resolution of the blemishes, prominent unsightly acne scars may remain.

The acne condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Acne occurs when the hormones are increased due to excess oil in the body. There is however no way to predict how long acne will take to disappear completely or that it will ever recur again.

Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life. Apart from leaving behind the marks of scars it has some psychological effects as well causing stress and depression. Therefore acne should not be neglected and should be treated with great care and responsibility to ensure a healthy life.

For more information about acne, click on Acne Treatment

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DavidChandler

The American Heart Association Recommend Against the Use of Isoflavone Supplements

The American Heart Association Recommend Against the Use of Isoflavone Supplements
By Valerian D.

In 1999, the US Food and Drug Administration approved labeling of soy protein as effective against coronary heart disease. The conclusion to recommend the health benefits of soy was based on information that at least 25 g/day of soy protein had been demonstrated to reduce LDL and total cholesterol. The suggestion was that the intake of 6.25 of soy protein per serving 4 times daily would achieve this condition. The same FDA statement reminded that soy isoflavones were not founded to be critical for the cholesterol-lowering benefits of soy protein.

Since this FDA report, there has been a significant amount of research targeting the health effects of both soy isoflavones and protein.

Based on reviews of 22 randomized trials comparing use of isolated soy proteins with other proteins, the American Heart Association (AHA) nutrition committee recently concluded in a report published in the 2005, January 17 Rapid Access issue of Circulation, that there is not a benefit from soy. By consequence, AHA does not recommend isoflavone supplements in food or pills.

The AHA nutrition committee reveals that from 22 total reviewed studies, in 19 studies there was no evidence regarding effect on LDL cholesterol or on other lipid risk factors. The panel also noted no demonstrated positive effect on vasomotor symptoms of menopause or related to slowing postmenopausal bone loss. Similarly, there is insufficient evidence to recommend soy isoflavones for prevention or treatment of breast, endometrial or prostate cancer.

However, the study authors recommend consumption of foods containing soy, as they generally have high contents of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, and vitamins.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues that requires a social concern and a special medical attention.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=ValerianD.

4 Things All Articles Should Have

4 Things All Articles Should Have
By Jo Han Mok

Articles on websites are of great important as they dictate how successful the website would be and how much traffic it gets. Thus becoming a key element in making a site work and its profitability.

A website owner must have the good sense to only include articles in his or her site that will work for them and earn them the many benefits articles can give to their site.

Articles have been known to be the driving force in driving traffic to a website.

Articles are a factor in giving a site higher ranking in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie it gets. With the surge of traffic, there are more leads and more potential for profit.

However, it is not just about flooding your site with articles; they must meet certain requirements as well. These requirements must be met to obtain the maximum benefits an article will provide for your site.

A well written article will interest and intrigue your customers and entice them to come back for more. Chances are they might even recommend your site to others.

Here are four things all articles must have to make it successful and helpful in making your site a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.

1. Good Article Content

An article must contain useful and helpful information. Articles must also be readable, and written well with correct spelling and good grammar. Your aricles must be good and well thought out in order to gain credibility for yourself.

A good and well written article will also boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen field or topic. As more people believe in you. They will be able to trust you and your products.

2. Keywords and Keyword Phrases.

An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. Visitors who arrive at a site actually looking for specific information usually arrive at the site through their searches via a search engine. They usually type in the keywords they are looking for (e.g. Golf, Marketing, Pets and Etcetera) into searches engines to get links to websites with the information they are looking for.

It is important that you have an article that has the keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able to have articles about cars and their parts. There are many tools in the internet that provides service in helping a webmaster out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are most sought out. You can use this tool to determine what keywords to use and write about.

3. Keyword Density

When you have your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them fully. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to feel its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. Getting a high rank is what articles do best for a site.

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and may turn off a reader as well as the search engines.

4. Linking

If you are going to submit articles to ezines or contribute your articles to newsletters and other sites, always include a link to your site. A little resource box with a brief description of your site placed right after your articles that you have submitted. If people like your articles, they will most likely click on the link directing them to your site.

Jo Han Mok is a frequent guest and featured speaker at Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences on subjects such as copywriting and Joint Venture Marketing. Visit his website to find out how he can help you turn mere words into cash!http://www.MasterWordsmith.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JoHanMok

Keep Your Independence Check Out Storage Options

Human beings are a consumer society and over time most of us tend to become pack rats and have more things than we will ever need. Often we exceed our living or working spaces and then comes the dilemma, ?How do I handle clutter.? So, it is when we expand or move that we consider storage. Unlike many years ago today you have the option of retaining your independence by using a storage facility instead of requesting family or friends to store things for you.

There are many choices: you could opt for using a traditional storage warehouse or self-storage or mini storage facilities where you will be given the key to the facility or be the only one who can operate the unit. And, storage can be either long-term storage or storage in transit.

Storage in transit is used when you need to store your household or office furniture and other objects before moving into new premises. You must ensure that the ?storage-in-transit? is mentioned in your agreement with the mover. Find out where and by whom the goods will be stored and ensure that the documentation for storage-in-transit is in good order. The time frame for storage-in-transit is between 30-180 days.

If you are considering long term storage you must choose the unit with care.

?Choose a location that suits your needs. If you do not plan on using the storage unit often then it does not matter where the facility is located. But if you even think that you may need to access the unit often then you will need to choose a facility that is commutable from where you reside or work.

?Determine the size of the unit. You will need. According to experts it is best to choose a smaller unit and pack it from floor to ceiling. You will then pay only for the space used. If you need to store just a few things then ask for mini-storage units. Units generally are of size: 5x10;10x10;10x20; and 10x30. Ask how many things each size will hold. Size 10x20 is known to hold all the contents of a two bedroom house.

? When finding out details ask about climate control, pest control, security, and storage access. Some facilities have timings while others allow 24/7 access.

?Chose a unit that is suitable for the good you intend to store. If you are going to store antiques, carpets, books, or documents then you need climate controlled units.


?Negotiate your cost. Many self-storage facilities offer discounts on pre-payment or long term lease.

?Ensure that Insurance is in operation and ask about insuring the goods in your unit. Many storage facilities either offer advice in this regard or have tie-ups with insurance companies.

?Verify the ownership of the units and their reputation. Find out how long they have been in business and if there are any complaints against them with the fair business bureau.

?When packing use weather proof packing. Protect breakables by providing sufficient padding and ensuring that the boxes containing breakables are clearly labeled as fragile and stored at the very top.

Select a storage space with care and you will be able to store your things without tensions and keep your independence.

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for http://www.1888movingcompanies.com, the premier website to find help on Moving including topics on moving companies search, compare movers, moving insurance, auto transport, moving tips and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Article Submission Directory http://www.1888articles.com

Prescription Medications for Acne

Prescription Medications for Acne
By Jack Smith

Why should you visit a dermatologist?

With the host of over-the-counter medications available, it can be quite a frustrating experience and long drawn process finding the right medication that suits your particular type of acne and skin. The easier and most often desirable option would be to contact a dermatologist, a medically trained professional who specializes in treating skin conditions, to help you sort the options and customize an acne treatment that specifically tackles your exclusive case.

Types of Prescription Treatments

Prescription treatments include oral medications and topical treatments. In the oral type of medications you could be advised to have antibiotics or contraceptives. You might also be prescribed a topical antimicrobial or retinoid to be used in conjunction with the oral medication or separately.

Oral Antibiotics

Antibiotics help to kill the bacteria that are in the blocked skin pore. They are usually prescribed for a more severe case, although sometimes a person suffering from moderate acne may also be prescribed antibiotics. Common prescription antibiotics for acne are tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline. However, it can been noticed that as the P. acnes bacteria is becoming more and more common, it is developing a certain amount of resistance to antibiotics. Oral antibiotics for acne usually show results within a few weeks.

Oral contraceptives

Many women resort to oral contraceptives as long-term treatments for acne. Oral contraceptives suppress the over active sebaceous glands which produce the excessive sebum and lead to blocked pores and acne. A new pill with the progestin drospirenone has been known to be effective in controlling this hormonal activity. Oral contraceptives have several side-effects like strokes, heart attacks and blood clotting which need to be considered before starting on this course.

Topical Antimicrobials

Topical acne microbials include clindamycin and erythromycin and are most commonly prescribed to treat this condition. They work by attacking the P. acnes bacteria and its inflammatory effects and thus help to minimize papules and pustules.

Topical Retinoids

Derivatives of vitamin A, these topical retinoids such as tretinoin, adapalene and tazarotene all influence the cell creation and lifecycle of the cells in the follicle lining. This prevents the cells from getting blocked. Topical retinoids have been found to be quite effective in the treatment of acne but they have side effects like skin irritation and increased sun sensitivity.

Jack Smith writes about various health and acne topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, all links remained intact, the bio remains in full and the rel=ofollow tag is not added to any of the links. Thank-you - Please visit http://www.acnefreeinthree.info for more information on acne.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JackSmith

In Commercial Real Estate Always Get an MAI Certified Appraiser

The appraiser that you hire for your commercial investments before you buy can have a great impact on the amount of money you spend and your chances of getting funding from a lender. Most lenders will not accept just any appraiser. If you get an appraisal with an appraiser that a lender does not accept, you have just wasted your time and money, and you are no closer to getting the property you want.

In the world of commercial real estate, not all appraisers are considered equal. It takes a certain expertise and knowledge to correctly appraise commercial property, and not just anybody is qualified. There are two types of appraisers, a fee appraiser and a staff appraiser. A fee appraiser is generally available to the public for hire, and a staff appraiser works for a specific lender or lending firm.

Let's look at what makes a qualified appraiser and how they can help you purchase the property you want with as little hassle as possible.

It is common practice for a lender to appoint the appraiser that is to appraise the property in question. This practice is in place because there are dishonest buyers who work with certain appraisers that will inflate the property's true value. This, in turn, allows the buyer to borrow more money than what a lender would normally allow, thus increasing the lender's risk.

Inflating a property's true market value is surprisingly easy because appraisals are simply guesstimates of a property's true market value. They are interpretations based on the surrounding property and selected criteria. An appraisal can be ?fixed? according to a person's interest. That is why the two parties must not have any prior dealings or common interest in the subject property.

A very widely used and accepted type of appraiser is one that is certified by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. They are members, making them M.A.I. designated. Most lenders will require that you use only an MAI appraiser. These MAI appraisers have gone through intense study, years of practice, and have had to perform under tight supervision while appraising many different properties.

Most MAI appraisers will not conspire with a borrower because there is too much to lose and too much invested in their practice. For this reason, most lenders will accept MAI appraisals regardless of whether or not they know the appraiser personally. For the most part, lenders will have trusted appraisers that they work with all the time, and will require that you use only their appraisers. Be sure to get clarification on this issue before you hire an You can trust MAI appraisers to perform an accurate evaluation of your prospect property. With this appraisal, you will be able to get the proper amount of money loaned on the property and not come out short.

It is always a good idea to research your appraiser and view some of the work that he or she has done in the past. The appraiser and the appraisals should be of the utmost professional quality because so much is riding on their appraisal. Even if it costs you more money, always use an MAI appraiser to avoid problems with the lender and unnecessary expenditures.

MAI appraisers are crucial to your commercial real estate investing endeavors, and can carry quite an impact on the money that can be loaned to you. To get the money you expect from a lender, use a MAI appraiser every time!

Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga and Yolanda Bishop of http://www.maverickrei.com specialize in commercial and investment real estate. As of May, 2006, they and their partners are managing over $600 million dollars worth of new projects.

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~AUTO ACCIDENT INSURANCE CAIM~ Getting Reimbursed For Your Pain and Suffering

~AUTO ACCIDENT INSURANCE CAIM~ Getting Reimbursed For Your Pain and Suffering
By Dan Baldyga

Youve had a motor vehicle accident some time ago when a local character by the name of Fred Fuddle smashed into your rear end but now you're in the home stretch with his Adjuster, I. M. Strong, and youre going to be paid for your loss by Strongs employer, Rock Solid Insurance. A good portion of it will be for your Pain and Suffering. That is, in the lingo of insurance claim settlements, your Compensatory Damages. Let's talk about that:

BODILY INJURY PAIN: How much pain can an individual stand? The answer to that is: Reaction to pain not only differs with each of us, but often within each of us. While pain can usually be scientifically measured, the limits of human endurance cannot. We all have a different Pain Threshold - - that is, the point at which we begin to feel physical distress as we enter into, and then deal with, a period of suffering.

A lot depends on what's going on in your life and how you experience it. Temperament and psychological factors are involved. Like, for example, your personal life is in a shambles (for any number of reasons) and that has hindered your ability to recover. Or, perhaps the company you work for is on the brink of bankruptcy!

The mechanism through which you feel an injury is so complicated that there are times when the same pain appears to be more (or less) than that of previous days. For example: one day you have a problem that causes you to complain endlessly. This makes you impossible to live with and your pain seems to be much stronger. Yet, a similar situation on a much better day, doesnt upset you so profoundly and the pain is not nearly as bad.

YOUR PAIN AND SUFFERING (Your Compensatory Damages): The type of injury you suffered, as a result of Fred Fuddle crashing into you (plus the nature and length of your treatment) are two of the best indicators for both the adjuster and Rock Solid Insurance to consider regarding the Pain and Suffering you experienced. However, there are several other areas you should call to the attention of Adjuster Strong so as to make him aware of what you've been dealing with.

MEDICATION: The fact that you were prescribed either over-the-counter or prescription medication by Ole Doc Comfort, your family physician, to relieve pain, inflammation (and/or any other injury symptoms), will help to convince I. M. Strong that your injuries were serious and caused you to endure a great deal of Pain and Suffering. No matter which way you slice that cake, the more powerful the medication, and the longer its prescribed for, the greater the value your claim will be. That's a fact of life in the business of insurance claims.

LENGTH OF RECOVERY: The longer your recovery period, the greater your Pain and Suffering- - therefore the higher the settlement value of your bodily injury. Make sure Doc Comfort clearly indicates this in his Final Medical Report. Tell him he must state in writing (via the weeks and months) how long it will be, before you were able to engage in your routine activities. Make sure he doesn't send that report directly to Adjuster Strong. You get it first and then later on youll send it along to Strong. But, before you do, read it. If good Ole Doc Comfort hasn't clearly stated this, hand it back to him and tell him he must. You have every right to insist that he does. You're paying his bills, it's your report, your insurance claim, and your big bucks he's not being serious about!

As long as you continue to have physical problems you should keep going back to see your doctor, again and again, and again ! Other than the obvious Pain and Suffering it will help to convince Rock Solid Insurance youve endured, there are two other very good reasons for doing this. They are as follows:

(1) The fact that your records show visits to your doctor, four, six, eight (or even more) weeks after the accident, will convince Adjuster Strong and Rock Solid that your injury took a long time to deal and required continual attention. (Plus it clearly indicates each and every day you were unable to work and therefore it proves, beyond the shadow of any doubt, the income you lost). Never forget: Your attending physicians Medical Report is the only way you can prove you were unable to work and in any court of law that will justify your claim for lost wages.

(2) When you visit Doc Comfort be sure to tell him there's been little (if any!) decrease of your pain, discomfort, stiffness or immobility. Make sure, when he does execute that Final Medical Report, this is clearly stated in his written remarks. If it isn't you have every right to go back, hand it to him and insist that it is.

SCARS: In many instances large and obvious scaring increase's the value of your claim (big time!) - - especially if the scarred portion of your body is visible. If you've been sitting at a desk for 25 years, your chin is double, your hair is gone, and you own a bulging stomach, and thats where the scar is, its not going to be worth much. But, if you're a tall, dark and handsome, twenty year old and the scar is on your face, than it's worth a ton. Take colored photographs of every scar and every scrape that causes swelling and/or discoloration to your skin plus every mark on your body! After youve handed a copy of those photographs to Adjuster I M. Strong hell be sending them to his boss in the Home Office. Ive been in that seat so I can flat out guarantee you his immediate superior in the home office will stare at those photos and gulp. Hell blanch, take a deep breath and send Strong a one liner that reads something like: Do whatever it takes to get rid of this one. Se!

ttle it and lets move on.

If the scar is bad enough insist that Dr. Comfort refer you to a Plastic Surgeon for an opinion as to whether your scar can be repaired and/or removed. Once you've been examined ask that Specialist to detail in writing (and insist that he send his report to you) how much it will cost to make it look right again. You may never get it repaired, and/or removed, but include that Plastic Surgeon's report, plus copies of the bills youve accumulated because of your visits to him, and hand them to Adjuster Strong. This will absolutely, positively give your claim more value !


QUESTION: Is it necessary to obtain the services of an attorney who will take a cut of 33 1/3% of the settlement (in some states up to 50%) he recovers from the insurance company of the individual who struck you? ANSWER: Yes, there are some situations where it makes sense to do so. HOWEVER: Especially in a case where the impact is absolutely not your fault in any way, shape, manor or form - - you should be clear with the lawyer you choose that those out-of-pocket expenses you would have been paid (weather they represented you or not) should not be part of his settlement!

Lets say, for example: You were at a dead stop while waiting for a light to change from red to green, when struck a tremendous blow in the rear by a distracted driver. Its 100% clear to all concerned that the damages you received will be paid by the insurance company of the individual that struck you.

The property damage to your motor vehicle is $2,800, your lost wages are $450, your final Doctors bill (plus all your other Out-Of-Pocket Medical Expenses) comes to $750 for a total (Property Damages/Lost Wages/Medical Bills) of $4,000. you live in an area where the lawyers typical Contingency Fee is 33 1/3%. QUESTION: Should that lawyer take 33/13% ($1,333.33) of that $4,000? ANSWER: No! QUESTION: Why not? ANSWER: Because you were going to get that $4,000 weather there was an attorney representing you or not! In a situation where the liability is clear the attorney should take, as his fee, 33 1/3% of everything he gets above and beyond , that $4,000!

So, lets say the attorney obtained a settlement of $4,800 for your Pain and Suffering. When that figure is added to the $4,000 of Out-Of-Pocket Expenses (as detailed above) the total would come to $8,800. To be fair he should not take 1/3 of $8,800 ($2,933.33 - - thus leaving you with $5,866.66) but 1/3 of the $4,800 ($1,600 - - thus leaving you with $7,200). QUESTION: What has he done to earn that additional $1,333.34? ANSWER: Absolutely nothing!

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this article ~ AUTO ACCIDENT INSURANCE CLAIM ~ Getting Reimbursed For Your Pain And Suffering is to help people understand the motor vehicle insurance claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga nor ARTICLE CITY make any kind of guarantee whatsoever; NOR do they purport to engage in rendering any professional or legal service; NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired IT IS THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain such services.

Dan Baldygas third and latest book, AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at http://autoaccidentclaims.com or http://wwwcaraccidentclaims.com. This book reveals How To successfully handle your motor vehicle accident claim, so you wont be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding the revolutionary BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula). BASE explains how to determine the value of the Pain and Suffering you endured - - because of your personal injury.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Daniel G. Baldyga All Rights Reserved

Dan Baldyga - Author

19 Winona Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089
Phone: (413) 733-0127 FAX: (413) 731-8358
Mail to: dbpaw@comcast.net
(How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss)
Found On Internet At: http://www.autoaccidentclaims.com
Or: http://www.caraccidentclaims.com

About The Author

For 30 years Dan Baldyga was a claims adjuster, supervisor, manger and also a trial assistant. He is now retired and spens his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vheicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DanBaldyga

~Car Accident Insurance Claim~ Regarding Impacts And Injuries

~Car Accident Insurance Claim~ Regarding Impacts And Injuries
By Dan Baldyga

As of January 2003 it was determined that in the good ole US of A, there were approximately 12.3 million motor vehicle accidents involving over 21 million vehicles last year. This amounts to a little over one crash per second. Lets take a look at four of the most common of these gazillion impacts and the typical injuries they cause.

#1. LOW SPEED IMPACTS - - ESPECIALLY REAR-ENDERS: These are crashes that are considered to be any collision that takes place at speeds under 10 MPH. While there is absolutely no justification to call it a Low Speed impact thats what the insurance industry loves to identify them as. Why ? Because a moniker like that is supposed to indicate that the, so-called impact, you were subjected to could not possibly have caused an injury.

Its true that when such a crash does take place theres often not a lot of damage done to the motor vehicle and yet, in most cases, people involved in these types of accidents more often than not suffer injuries - - neck injuries especially!

Although the insurance industry would like to have those making a claim think differently an injury can and absolutely does occur when a low impact collision takes place. The most common is identified as the Whiplash. This takes place when the occupants dont have the slightest idea about the impending collision so they cant brace themselves by forcing their back and/or neck against the seat or headrest. Because of this their body gets whipped and snapped about something fierce.

Automobile bumpers are built to withstand up to a 5 MPH crash without damage. This is not done to insure the safety of the occupant but rather to protect and limit the damage to the bumpers, keeping the cost of repair to a minimum. Many times vehicle to vehicle impacts can sustain an impact of 8 to 9 MPH before theres recognizable damage to the motor vehicle. However, when the bumper doesnt crumble and absorb the force of the impact, more of that crash is felt by the occupants. IMMEDIATE INJURIES: The individual thats been crashed into by another (even at only 5 MPH) is thrown forward with a severe jerking motion - - causing necks to snap and backs to twist. Because of this many Soft Tissue styled injuries take place, including multiple body bruises, plus chest and rib injuries. In most cases adjusters attempt to deny the possibility of injuries in a low speed impact but research substantiates just the opposite! Sure, the motor vehicle will show little damage but the velocity and accompanying force have to be transferred somewhere, and thats to those sitting in that vehicle. Cars are built to withstand such minor impacts - - the human body is not!

#2. FRONTAL COLLISIONS: In most frontal impacts the occupants can generally brace themselves because theyre usually aware of the collision theyre about to be subjected to. In Frontal Collisions the speed and weight of the vehicle play a role in the injuries of the occupant. (The more the vehicle crumbles at impact the less severe the injuries to the occupants. Many times airbags will deploy). In frontal impact collisions the speed and size of the vehicle determines the injuries that can take place. (And - - getting back to rear-end collisions for just a moment - - the striking vehicle not only undergoes a collapse, but transfers momentum to the car thats been struck by pushing it forward. The airbag may or may not explode. This depends upon the rigidity of the vehicle thats been struck).IMMEDIATE INJURIES: Head and neck, back, spine, rib and clavicle, arms and legs, concussions, soft tissue, internal, dislocations, abrasions, cuts and bruises.48 to 72 hours later: Headache, blurred vision, dizziness and loss of taste, smell or hearing. Also, difficulty breathing, blood in urine or stool, swelling, loss of motion and visualized bruising take place.

#3. SIDE IMPACT: Many times the occupants head will hit the side window and bounce off of it. There are no air bags nor bumpers, engines, etc., to help protect ones body or absorb the force of the impact. IMMEDIATE INJURIES: Head and neck, arms & legs, soft tissue, dislocations, scrapes and bruises. 48 to 72 hours later: Pain, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, loss of taste, smell or hearing, numbness or tingling (and basically the same as those listed above) so, at the risk of being repetitious but because its so important, I must say once again: Its of major importance that the individual exposed to impact - - no matter how slight it may seem to have been - - should immediately be examined by a medical professional.

#4. ROLL-OVER ACCIDENTS: The typical roll-over accident is very serious. The most common factors in single vehicle accidents are approaching a curve at too high a speed, leaving the pavement or highway, or over-correcting the steering wheel - - particularly in vehicles with a short wheel base. The severity of injuries to the occupants generally depends on the beginning velocity of speed, the number of rolls, condition of the vehicle, and what your motor vehicle rolled through, over and into! Damage to the vehicle is generally extensive. It has been determined that 60% of the economic costs from roll-overs resulted from occupant ejection, and that the initial roll-over speed was between 40 to 60 MPH. (A recent study reported that restrained occupants showed a higher proportion of neck injuries than the unrestrained).

IMMEDIATE INJURIES: The whole nine yards - all of those as detailed above.


The bottom line (to all 4 of the above) is that in all motor vehicle accidents - - no matter how minor the damage its of the greatest importance that each and every individual immediately visit a medical professional for a physical examination and/or consultation. So, should you find yourself at the scene of an accident and somebody asks if you think they should see a doctor, your answer should always be, ABSOLUTELY ! Stare straight into their eyeballs and tell them, Its your body. Theres only one to a customer. You should do whatever you can to take care of it and protect it.

DISCLAIMER: This article ~ CAR ACCIDENT INSURANCE CLAIM ~ REGARDING IMPACTS AND INJURIES is intended for background information only. Its purpose is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga, Thomas Brown nor ARTICLE CITY make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever NOR purports to engage in rendering any professional or legal service, substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. where such professional help is desired IT IS THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN IT.

Dan Baldygas third and latest book, AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at: http://www.autoaccidentclaims.com. This book reveals How To successfully handle your motor vehicle accident claim, so you wont be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding the revolutionary BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula). BASE explains how to determine the value of the Pain and Suffering you endured - - because of your personal injury.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved

Dan Baldyga - Author

19 Winona Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089
Phone: (413) 733 0127 FAX: (413) 731 8358
Mail to: mailto:dbpaw@attbi.com
Found on the internet at: http://www.autoaccidentclaims.com

About The Author

For over 30 years Dan Baldyga was a claims adjuster, supervisor, manager and also a trial assistant. He is now retried and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DanBaldyga

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A Guide to Affordable Health Insurance

A Guide to Affordable Health Insurance
By Austin Cormac

One common concern of every family today is finding affordable health insurance.

There are few methods of finding affordable health insurance for you and your family. Your first step should be research. You never want to blindly enter into an agreement for health care insurance without being aware of all of your choices.

Numerous employers offering health care insurance as part of their employee advantage program. In some events the employer covers part of the insurance premium while the remainder will be subtracted out of the employee's wages regularly.

Most people will view this as an easy way of receiving affordable health insurance. They don't miss the money they are paying for premiums because it is automatically deducted from their pay before they get the check. They also welcome the contribution of the employer. Many employers are willing to provide this service to their employees because they recognize the need for affordable health insurance and by keeping their employees happy they are increasing productivity.

In case your employer doesn't offer this type of benefit plan there are other means to finding affordable health insurance. One is to consider what companies in your area offer health care insurance and what coverage that includes in relation to cost.

There are few important areas when it comes to health insurance. These includes family health insurance, dental insurance and short-term insurance if you are facing a health crisis. Finding affordable health insurance in each of these areas is a doable task.

Consider what are your biggest health care needs when you are looking for affordable health insurance. For some of the people the monthly prescription drug coverage that offers savings on medications is all they need when they are seeking affordable health insurance.

Extensive dental work that consist of orthodontics for number of their children is what other families are facing. Finding affordable health insurance that includes dental work will be the main concern for this family.

At the time of speaking to representatives from various insurance firms they will want to point out the fact that they are interested not only with general health insurance but with insurance that covers dental work.

Before you decide on the right plan for your family there is one very practical way to help you doing so, and that is by getting hold of a free quote from multiple health insurance companies, then measure the positives with the negatives of each offer and choose an affordable health insurance plan that fit in harmony with both your budget and your medical needs.

To you and your family I wish a long and healthy life.

By Austin Cormac

Austin Cormac produces articles and other related information about affordable health insurance. You can find his articles over at: Affordable Health Insurance

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=AustinCormac

Mortgage Mates Property Pals And Home Buying Friends

At some point we've all played the ?wouldn't it be nice to live there? game, where we press our noses up to the estate agents window like hungry children eyeing up the cakes in a bakery, wishing we could afford the homes that are way too expensive for us. We all have aspirations far beyond our wallets from time to time, but more and more first time buyers are finding that they simply cannot afford to buy anywhere as property prices in the UK have rocketed to such levels that the first step onto the ladder has begun to look more like an impossible leap.

Now a new breed of buyer has begun to emerge, or maybe I should say ?evolve?, because that?s what happens when nature finds a way around a problem, who have decided to tackle the issue of affordability head on, they are the co-buyers. If you?ve not been near your TV, radio or favorite newspaper recently you?d be excused for not having heard of this home buying movement. Put simply, co-buying is where two or more people buy a property together to join funds, divide of all the costs, and afford to buy years sooner than they could have done alone. Nothing new there, as friends and family have been doing that for an age now, what is new is the rise in the popularity of searching for your ideal mortgage mate on the internet.

Richard Cohn, Founding Director of Shared Spaces Limited, introduced us to the concept of co-buying with www.sharedspaces.co.uk, launched in December 2005. He explains, ?I flat shared for years before buying, and made some great friends along the way, and it was during this time that I came to the conclusion that was to lead to the creation of SharedSpaces. If you can flat-share with complete strangers with great success, why can?t people take it to the next level and buy together??

Of course there is more to it than just that because buying is a far bigger financial commitment than renting, but Cohn suggests that with the correct legal framework (a document called a ?Deed of Trust? that costs only a few hundred pounds from any solicitor that protects your legal rights and provides a roadmap for the relationship), mortgage payment protection insurance (to protect you and your co-owners from hardship should you loose your jobs or are unable to work due to illness), and time (as much time as you need to get to know your potential co-buyer well enough to call them a friend or a business partner in the process), there is no reason why you cannot have a successful co-buying experience.

SharedSpaces.co.uk has over 2,500 registered members across the UK looking for someone else to buy a property with, joined by a common goal, to fight the affordability gap. Whether you are a key worker or a city high flyer if you?re looking for a mortgage mate, a property pal or a future friend to buy your first home with there seems to be plenty of people to choose from. I don?t know whether co-buying solves the long term problem of property prices rising faster than salaries, but it sure does seem to offer an option for those who have been left behind.

ZurichA Quick Travel Guide

Zurich-A Quick Travel Guide
By Dara Ward

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland. This picturesque city rests on the banks of the Limmat River and Lake Zurich, and it is nestled in a truly beautiful hilly woodland. The city is home to a population of 366,809 inhabitants (this rises to around 1 million if you take the greater metropolitan area into consideration) and contrary to popular belief it is not the capital of the country (that is, in fact, Bern). It is, however, the countrys main commercial area (its low tax rate has long attracted companies from all over the world to headquarter in it) and is considered a world city ranking it alongside cities such as London, Paris, New York and Tokyo.

Located in the north of Switzerland, Zurich is a popular destination for tourists and it boasts an abundance of attractions to suit all tastes. The city boasts its own Internalional airport in the Zurich International Airport, which is the largest and busiest in the country and makes travelling to the city from abroad easy. The airport is just a quarter of an hour from the city centre and is ably serviced by rail and bus. The city has a very reliable public transport system that makes travel around Zurich extremely manageable and day passes for all bus and rail services are very affordable.

The city has a long history with the arts and boasts many museums, galleries, operas and theatres. For those looking for nightlife, Zurich has something to cater to everyones tastes. Each year it plays host to The Street Parade, one of the worlds largest outdoor techno parties attracting around a million people each August. The city is renowned for its many bars, pubs and clubs, and is also home to many fine cafes, restaurants, cinemas and leisure facilities. It really is a city with something to offer everyones tastes.

Dara Ward runs over 150 travel related sites. These include Hotels in Zurich and Hotels in Edinburgh He is recognised as a leading travel website marketeer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DaraWard

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~The Base Formula~ A Settlement Example

~The Base Formula~ A Settlement Example
By Daniel Baldyga



Because Ive received so many contacts, and questions, regarding BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula) from the readers of the sensational EzineArticles.com Ive decided to provide you-all with insights (via a Settlement Example) regarding THE BASE FORMULA.

OKAY, SO HERE WE GO: Its 10:00 AM on a clear, dry day. Youre operating your motor vehicle north on Main Street in your home town. Youre 62 years old and the assistant manager of a local video store.

Fred Fuddle is a chronically unemployed local with a reputation for being a loud-mouth degenerate who has a string of convictions for drunken, disorderly conduct.

Fuddle is driving his dilapidated van at a high rate of speed, proceeding East on Elm Street. As you approach the intersection of Main and Elm you have a green light. You proceed through, perking along under the posted speed limit. Too late, Fuddle realizes he has a red light. He hits his brakes, leaving 70 feet of skid marks behind him as he flies into the intersection. The front of his van strikes your left rear with a mighty crash. Your arm hits the steering wheel and the $300.00 watch your spouse gave you for your last birthday is smashed. The Property Damage to your motor vehicle will be determined to be $1,700.

The police investigate at the scene. Fuddle is charged with dangerous driving: You note that this is written up in the Police Report. The ambulance takes you to the Angel Of Mercy Hospital Emergency Room, where youre x-rayed and treated. Diagnosis: A mild to severe strain to the cervical-dorsal area which is known as a Whiplash-Type of injury.

Youre eventually treated by your family physician, Ole Doc Comfort. (You later ask for and receive copies of all medical reports from the Angel Of Mercy and also from Doc Comfort).

As soon as possible, after the impact, you asked you son Chip to return to the scene of the accident and he snapped a dozen close-up photos of the skid marks plus the damages to your motor vehicle and then Fuddles van. Chip very wisely visits the police station where he purchases a copy of the report that the Cruiser Patrolmen wrote at the scene.

YOUR FINAL SPECIAL DAMAGES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Ambulance, Emergency Room, X-Rays, Prescription for pain, Heating Pad, Dr. Comforts bill, plus your Lost Wages. THE FINAL TOTAL OF YOUR SPECIAL DAMAGES COMES TO: $1,831.15.

PROPERTY DAMAGES: Cost to repair your (car - motor vehicle) $1,750.00 plus the provable replacement of your wrist watch $300.00. TOTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE LOSS: $2,050.00.

Using the Formula (as detailed by BASE which is found in my book AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM) you determine that the value of your Personal Injury claim falls into the 4 areas provided by THE BASE FORMULA and (in your particular situation) they are: THE PREMIUM VALUE $7,324.60, THE MEAN VALUE $6,408.02 THE CORE VALUE $5,493.00 and a LOW VALUE $3,680.00.

Your case has a number of positive factors that fall on your side of the evaluation ledger, such as: #1. Fred Fuddle is far from being a model citizen. #2. He was driving his vehicle much too fast, as evidenced by the skid marks Chip capture on film. #3. The police cited Fuddle for operating his van in a dangerous manner, as proved by the copy of the Police Report you now have in your possession.

Ole Doc Comforts report (which you have a copy of) indicates you sustained a Whiplash-Type injury to the cervical-dorsal area. Following Doc Comforts instructions (as written into his report) you purchased a heating pad (a copy of the bill you have for proof) which you used for 5 days to help relieve your Pain and Suffering. In addition to the hospital bills, youve also kept copies of the pain killer prescription drugs that Doc Comfort insisted you must take.

Now, enough time has passed for you to sit down with Insurance Adjuster I. M. Smart of GRANITE MOUNTAIN INSURANCE CORPORATION. Smart knows the potential of your developing more physical problems (which can be tied into the accident) is much greater because of your age. No matter which way Smart would like to slice your cake hes aware that you went through a ton of inconvenience plus a solid period of Pain and Suffering which has been sustained within the confines of Doc Comforts written report.

As detailed in THE BASE FORMULA your Personal Injury claim positions itself in the area of THE PREMIUM VALUE. You must aim for a settlement as close to this figure as possible. PLUS the $1,750 Property Damage of your motor vehicle and also the $300 to replace your new wristwatch.

How one can and must proceed to do this (plus THE BASE FORMULA) is detailed in my third and latest book AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) found on the internet at http://www.caraccidentclaims.com or http://www.autoaccidentclaims.com.

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this article ~ THE BASE FORMULA ~ A SETTLEMENT EXAMPLE is to help readers understand the motor vehicle accident claim process.

Dan Baldyga makes no guarantee of any kind whatsoever, NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is the INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain such services.

About The Author:

Dan Baldyga worked for over 30 years as an insurance adjuster, supervisor, manager and trial assistant. Since his retirement he has written 3 highly successful How To Insurance Claim books. He now spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims, so they will not be taken advantage of.

Copyright (c) 2005 By Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved.

Dan Baldyga - Author
(How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss)

For 30 years Dan Baldyga was a Claims Adjuster, Supervisor, Manager and also a Trial Assistant. He is now retired and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of. Mail to:dbpaw@comcast.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DanielBaldyga

Buying Articles from Someone Else? Why You Still Need to Write Your Own

Buying Articles from Someone Else? Why You Still Need to Write Your Own
By Denise Willms

There is a time and a place for just about anything. That includes articles you dont write yourself.

With high quality Private Label Rights (PLR) articles, affordable ghostwriters, and even software that can write articles for you, why bother writing your own articles and web content? The articles you buy have the exact words and content you need and, after all, you do own the rights.

But there is one very important thing these articles cant do. They cant BE you. PLR articles, though they may be well written, arent going to tell your reader anything about who you are. Even a ghostwriter, unless you have a very good ghostwriter and youve given him or her good notes to work from, cant sound like you. Computer generated articles are occasionally written in proper English, but they cant show your personality.

One of the most important things your articles can do for you is help your audience get to know you. As your reader, I want to see your personality, hear your opinions, understand what you think. Even if I disagree sometimes, I really do want to know who you are.

Someone once told me that writing is the closest thing there is to true telepathy. You, the writer, have an idea you want to share. You put your thoughts into writing. When others read your article, theyll read the exact words you were thinking. Even if its not telepathy, your writing still has amazing potential to build a connection between you and your reader.

Some of the most successful writers, on the web and off, write just the way they talk. Readers love to hear the authors unique voice come through their written words. It makes the article interesting and it helps the reader make a connection with the writer.

And that leads me to why its so important to show who you are through your articles. On the Internet, where trust is always a concern, your writing helps us get to know you and learn that we can trust you.

There may be a place for PLR and ghostwritten articles in your business, but dont rely on them alone. Take some time to share yourself with your audience through your own articles too. The rewards are long lasting and well worth your while.

Denise Willms is co-owner of WAHM-Articles.com and author of the eBook, Uncovering the Secrets of WAHM Article Marketing.

Visit http://www.wahm-articles.com to get your free copy and to submit your own WAHM articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DeniseWillms

Mortgage Mates Property Pals And Home Buying Friends

At some point we've all played the ?wouldn't it be nice to live there? game, where we press our noses up to the estate agents window like hungry children eyeing up the cakes in a bakery, wishing we could afford the homes that are way too expensive for us. We all have aspirations far beyond our wallets from time to time, but more and more first time buyers are finding that they simply cannot afford to buy anywhere as property prices in the UK have rocketed to such levels that the first step onto the ladder has begun to look more like an impossible leap.

Now a new breed of buyer has begun to emerge, or maybe I should say ?evolve?, because that?s what happens when nature finds a way around a problem, who have decided to tackle the issue of affordability head on, they are the co-buyers. If you?ve not been near your TV, radio or favorite newspaper recently you?d be excused for not having heard of this home buying movement. Put simply, co-buying is where two or more people buy a property together to join funds, divide of all the costs, and afford to buy years sooner than they could have done alone. Nothing new there, as friends and family have been doing that for an age now, what is new is the rise in the popularity of searching for your ideal mortgage mate on the internet.

Richard Cohn, Founding Director of Shared Spaces Limited, introduced us to the concept of co-buying with www.sharedspaces.co.uk, launched in December 2005. He explains, ?I flat shared for years before buying, and made some great friends along the way, and it was during this time that I came to the conclusion that was to lead to the creation of SharedSpaces. If you can flat-share with complete strangers with great success, why can?t people take it to the next level and buy together??

Of course there is more to it than just that because buying is a far bigger financial commitment than renting, but Cohn suggests that with the correct legal framework (a document called a ?Deed of Trust? that costs only a few hundred pounds from any solicitor that protects your legal rights and provides a roadmap for the relationship), mortgage payment protection insurance (to protect you and your co-owners from hardship should you loose your jobs or are unable to work due to illness), and time (as much time as you need to get to know your potential co-buyer well enough to call them a friend or a business partner in the process), there is no reason why you cannot have a successful co-buying experience.

SharedSpaces.co.uk has over 2,500 registered members across the UK looking for someone else to buy a property with, joined by a common goal, to fight the affordability gap. Whether you are a key worker or a city high flyer if you?re looking for a mortgage mate, a property pal or a future friend to buy your first home with there seems to be plenty of people to choose from. I don?t know whether co-buying solves the long term problem of property prices rising faster than salaries, but it sure does seem to offer an option for those who have been left behind.

Plasma Televisions and Displays What to Know When Buying

Plasma Televisions and Displays - What to Know When Buying
By Donny Duncan

So you want the amazing quality of a plasma television or plasma display, but you don't really know what to look for when it comes to features? After all, it's a pretty big investment, you want to know what you're buying right? No problem, here are few terms and features to remember when you are ready to purchase your plasma television or display. But first, lets talk about the difference between Plasma Television and Plasma Displays.

Plasma Televisions have TV tuners, and sometimes speakers, etc.

Plasma Displays are basically big computer screens, with no TV tuner or speakers.

Plasma Television and Plasma Display Terms

  • Contrast Ratio - The brightness of a display at full white over the brightness of a display at full black. Because the black value is greatly affected by ambient light, some TV technologies calculate contrast ratio in darkened rooms. Basically, the larger the contrast ratio the greater the ability of a television to show subtle color details and tolerate various room light

  • Pixel Pitch - The distance, typically in inches or millimeters, from the center of one pixel to the center of an adjacent pixel. The more pixels, the higher quality the picture, and the less locky the picture looks.

  • Resolution - The size and quality of the images the unit can display. Typically, the higher the better, especially on larger screens.

  • Panel Life - Plasma screens have a life span, once the panel life is reached the screen will typically fail and need to be replaced. This is not really to be of alarm though, most of today's plasma screens have such a long panel life, you most likely won't own the unit long enough for it to go bad. For example, one popular unit has a panel life of 60,000 hours. If you left it on all day every day, it wouldn't go bad for almost 8 years.

  • Aspect Ratio - The height and width of the screen. Regular TV's were traditionally 4:3 (full screen) and most new big screens and plasma televisions and displays are 16:9 (wide screen)

  • Viewing Angle - At what angle you can view the unit before it starts to get distorted or blurry. The wider the viewing angle, the more places you can see the screen from in your room.

    Plasma Television and Plasma Display Features

  • Does it come with a Warranty, or is one available for purchase?

    Even though they've dropped substantially in price over the last few years, they're still a pretty decent investment, and it's usually best to protect that investment. It's usually best when your plasma television or plasma display comes with a warranty, but even if you have to purchase an extended warranty, it's generally a good idea. If you think about it, would you rather pay a little extra now, or pay half the initial cost a year later if the screen goes out? Warranties are usually worth the cost, even if it's only for peace of mind.

  • Does it come with speakers?

    I don't know of any plasma displays that come with speakers attached, but a few plasma televisions do. They generally cost a little more, so if you already have a surround sound system, you might not need them.

  • Is it HDTV ready?

    If you have HDTV service, you'll need a display or television that is compatible with HDTV. Most newer televisions, especially plasma displays and televisions, but if you want it, it's always best to check for it.

  • Does it come with a wall mount or stand?

    Sometimes they don't come with either, so you would have to pay extra for one or the other. This is one important aspect to think about when you're comparing price, because these can get rather expensive if you have to purchase them separately.

  • What type of inputs does it have?

    Most plasma televisions should have the standard inputs, like RCA (your typical red, yellow, white wires), S-Video, DVI, Component, but if there is one in particular that you need, you should always check and make sure that it is available on that unit.

    This article taken from Tweak Xpert - Plasma Televisions & Displays. View the website for more helpful guides.

    Donny Duncan, the author of Vista Tweak Xpert has been in the computer field for over thirteen years.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DonnyDuncan

  • How To Shop For Plasma TVs Online

    How To Shop For Plasma TVs Online
    By Aurel Radulescu

    Consumers can either shop online or at retail for plasma TVs, but there are a few ways to ensure that, no matter where you purchase, you will get exactly what you paid for. With the internet auction craze gaining in popularity, consumers should be aware that if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Low pricing for such expensive technology is just one of the red flags that consumers should be wary of. Warranties, when offered, sometimes require consumers to return the television at their own cost and may not even be an American warranty. Anytime a consumer deals with online auctions, they should purchase only from a reputable dealer after researching feedback and asking questions prior to getting locked into a purchase agreement.

    When shopping for plasma TVs, consumers should also watch for very low pricing with extremely high shipping fees. With any electronic purchase, consumers can expect to pay larger shipping, but only within reason. Again, this is a situation that outlines the importance of only buying plasma TVs from a reputable online or local dealer.

    Before making any purchase, including that of plasma TVs, always check out the businesss reputation with the local Better Business Bureau in their area. Any reputable business should always provide contact information, including a physical address (not a post office box), a telephone number and e-mail address. If communication is lacking or telephone calls go unanswered, consumers are urged to consider purchasing very carefully. If purchasing plasma TVs from a business that fails to answer their phone, or return calls, customer service after the sale will certainly not improve.

    Before purchasing plasma TVs, learn about the companys return or exchange policy. What happens if the unit is damaged upon arrival or begins to show a problem after minimal use? With such an investment, consumers should always make themselves familiar with a companys customer service policy before purchasing anything. In addition, avoid any salesperson who is pushy or seems overly anxious to make the sale. This is a sign that something may be wrong and they are trying to sell as much as possible in a hurry. Even if the business is legitimate, a rushed sale is never a good idea in any situation.

    If you ultimately decide to purchase Plasma TVs online, do it with a credit card. This will enable you, the consumer, to reserve your right to file a dispute with the credit card company if the product is not as advertised, is not delivered or the company refused to honor their agreement to repair the product. The majority of credit card companies allow their customers to file a dispute, in writing, regarding a purchase that was made with their credit card. This dispute must outline a variety of factors, including the date purchased, the total purchase price and the circumstances leading up to the dispute. Upon receiving notification of your dispute, the credit card company will investigate the complaint and typically refund the money back to your credit card.

    Find more about 70 inch plasma touch screen, flat screen plasma TV and many other plasma TV resources on http://www.buyplasmascreentv.com/

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=AurelRadulescu

    HDTV Antenna

    HDTV Antenna
    By Donald Magnus

    An Hdtv antenna is the ticket to receive free Hdtv reception over the air. If you've decided to buy a Hdtv there is a low cost alternative to paying cable or satellite providers monthly for Hdtv broadcasts, a simple Hdtv antenna hookup is all that is required. You can receive crystal clear high definition local and network broadcasts. All you need is a ATSC tuner built in your new Hdtv or a external Hd tuner connected to your Hdtv to start getting free Hdtv over the air. If you presently own a good VHF/UHF antenna for indoors or out doors you may be able to use it. Digital tv uses the same antenna as analog tv, manufacturers have just labeled them HD to take advantage of the Hdtv buzz.

    Your choices are a indoor Hdtv antenna and a outdoor Hdtv antenna. Some are amplified to increase signal quality and pickup further stations. There are different factors that will determine what Hdtv is best for you. The proximity of your house to a broadcast tower is the biggest one.

    The closer you live to a broadcast tower the stronger a signal and better reception you will recieve. Those that live in an urban area or are surrounded by high buildings may get interference with the Hdtv broadcasts. If where you live prohibits you from installing an outdoor antenna there are still viable alternatives available.

    Once it is decided which type of antenna will best suit your needs to receive free hdtv you may want to test it. Not in the store but in your home to see which Hdtv antenna provides the best signal. Turn the antenna in different directions to see where the best reception is. Why settle for poor reception when you can get crystal clear free Hdtv reception with just a little tweaking of your antenna?

    You may have to get a indoor antenna if you can not install a antenna outdoors. These are usually optimized and powerful to receive signals indoors and there are a wide variety, some amplified (increase the strength of the signal) to fit your living conditions. There are Hdtv antenna's as low as $40.00 such as the Zenith ZHDTV1 Digital Indoor antenna and many others, that can provide great Hd reception indoors in most cases.

    You will find a few Hdtv antenna designs to allow outdoor reception without you having to get on the roof. One is the Terk HD-TVS slim profile Hd tv antenna that you can install on a balcony, railing, outdoor wall, in the attic or on the roof and still receive great Hdtv pictures, even in the city.

    Optimal reception will be received if you can remove all or as much interference as possible from the transmitter and your Hdtv antenna. This is the reason for the popularity of the outdoor antenna. The outdoor Hd tv antenna that is most popular is the medium directional antenna, because it's not too large and has characteristics that prevent or reduce interference. There are also large and small Hdtv antenna's that may fit your needs.

    If you've sworn off paying for cable and satellite subscriptions and want crystal clear HDTV all you need to do is a little research, then get your Hdtv antenna. One good source for more infomation is the Consumers Electronics Association's, Antenna Web. After you have selected the right Hdtv antenna you can just connect directly to your Hdtv set (with ATSC tuner) or HD tuner and receive free Hdtv.

    Get more information at HDTV Reviews on how to receive free Hdtv, selecting the right Hdtv antenna for your home and other Hdtv resources at www.hdtv.totalinfoguide.com.

    More Hdtv antenna articles at www.hdtv.totalinfoguide.com/Articles/HdTvAntenna.php

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DonaldMagnus

    What Is HDTV And How Does It work?

    What Is HDTV And How Does It work?
    By Jim Johnson

    In the field of television broadcasting there are plenty of acronyms to go around and it all can all be very confusing. One of the most common terms you will read about and hear is HDTV. A lot of people use that term in articles and at the consumer electronics stores and assume that everyuone knows exactly what they are talking about. But plenty of us are not tech-heads that know all the latest jargon in the electronics world, so let's go over just what HDTV is and what it means for you.

    First of all HDTV stands simply for High Definition Television. It is a broadcasting standard for sending television signals in digital format instead of the old analog way. Back in days past, the television signal that originated at the tv station was sent in analog format that ciould only handle so much data for both picture and sound and once that limit was reached, it didn't matter how great the television set was that was receiving the signal, it would only look and sound so great.

    However, with the advent of the digital age, electronics technology has improved to the extent that we can do much better than analog television signals now, and instead we can record the signal digitally, braodcast it not only by antenna but by cable and satellite and display it on greatly superior television screens. All of this results in picture and sound that is vastly improved over what we have been used to watching on television for many years now.

    To give you an idea of how much improvement has been made in television equipment, just consider the screen or monitor itself. Standard television monitors have only been able to display about 525 lines of information on the screen, while HDTV enabled monitors can display up to 1080 lines on the same screen. That's almost double the detail of analog television. What that means for you is much improved resolution, color, and smoothness of action on the screen. And it will also be easier on the eyes as well.

    Since all television broadcasts have been mandated by the FCC in the US to eventually be shown in HDTV format, that pretty much makes all analog TV systems obsolete. So if you are looking to buy a new television, it makes a lot of sense to buy a high definition television, as that will soon be the standard for all televisions sold for some to come.

    Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics including HDTV. You can find out more about hdtv by visiting our HDTV and Television Review website.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JimJohnson

    Toshiba 32 HDTV LCD Monitor Review

    Toshiba 32 HDTV LCD Monitor Review
    By Dean Iggo

    Toshiba has quickly become an industry leader in HDTV monitors and televisions, and while they make a wide range of CRT, Plasma and LCD monitors that can be used in the home, one of the most popular models is a Toshiba 32 HDTV LCD monitor.

    The Toshiba REGZA 32HL66 32 LCD HDTV is a popular and respected model. It is currently retailing for just under $1,000 on most web sites. This set comes with speakers mounted on the bottom of the set and three separate tuners for maximum usage. Its a light set at only 46 pounds. That is one major advantage of plasma and LCD over CRT is that they almost always weigh much, much less. It also comes with an 8 millisecond response time that makes the quality of the picture close to perfect. If youve been putting off getting an LCD HDTV, this is the one to buy.

    If youre looking for the same quality TV, but with a built-in DVD player, youre in luck. The Toshiba REGZA 32HLV66 32 LCD HDTV with DVD Player is available, as well. It is the same great TV profiled above, but it also comes with a high-end built in DVD player.

    If youre looking for a bigger picture, but you still want to stick with the reliability of LCD, you can choose the Toshiba 47LZ196 47 Cinema Series Pro high-definition 1080p LCD TV. This monitor is one of the largest LCD screens you can buy. At 47, it is sure to meet the size requirements of any hardcore TV junkie. The retail price for this one is a bit pricy, at $3,900 but it is worth it for HDTV fans who expect the best. For a TV of this size and quality, the shipping weight is only 109 pounds, or a fraction of what the same TV would weigh if it was not a flatscreen model.

    Toshiba is an industry leader in HDTV and has been since the beginning. If youre looking for the best TVs money can buy, Toshiba is a trusted brand.

    Dean Iggo is the webmaster of a hdtv reviews website where you can find reviews of the most popular brands including the lg hdtv, Pioneer, Sony, Panasonic and more.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DeanIggo

    HDTV Converters

    HDTV Converters
    By Ken Marlborough

    HDTV converters are specially designed devices for signal conversion. HDTV, also known as High Definition Television, is the most recent innovation in DTV. The HDTV can telecast pictures with high resolutions which are twice more than the traditional analog telecasts and surround sound.

    Generally, the HDTV converters are incorporated in most of the HDTV systems. But, the HDTV systems are quite expensive. Moreover, today, most of the homes have analog television sets. To enjoy the effect of HDTV, you can implement a HDTV converter in your analog televisions sets. The HDTV converters will transform the digital signals into analog signals. Thus, the converter will help the analog televisions provide the maximum picture quality almost similar to HDTV sets.

    To experience, the full benefits of HDTV signals, HDTV systems are always apt because the analog televisions will not be able to display the pictures with high resolution and surround sound as sharp as HDTV sets.

    The HDTV converter automatically detects the input signal, which can be in RGBHV, YPbPr, or YCbCr format, and converts the signal into display with 480i, 480p, 720p, or 1080i resolution. Apart from this, the HDTV converters can also take 480i component video signals, and decode into the display with HDTV resolutions, where, i means interlaced and p means progressive. HDTV converters can transfer numerous pixels on a scan line into analog signals for horizontal resolutions. In the case of vertical resolutions, the HDTV converters will transform the 16:9 ratio HDTV picture with 1080i into a 480 scan line picture with 4:3 ratio or a picture with 360 scan line with 60 line black letterbox bars.

    Unlike the ordinary television converters, HDTV converters are highly compact devices embedded with cutting-edge technology. With the increase in the demand, different brands and types of HDTV converters are available in the market. Philips, Viewsonic, Doremi Labs, Inc., JVC Professional Products Company, and Panasonic are some of the leading brands in HDTV converters. Prices of the HDTV converters will range from $150 to $300. HDTV converters can be purchased from local outlets or electronic stores. For better option in prices, brands, and types, online or electronic stores are always ideal.

    HDTV provides detailed information on HDTV, Plasma HDTV, HDTV Antennas, HDTV Reviews and more. HDTV is affiliated with Home Theater Projectors.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=KenMarlborough

    Get The Most Out Of Your Home Theater With Dish Network HDTV

    Get The Most Out Of Your Home Theater With Dish Network HDTV
    By Julia Hall

    If you love using your television to get the latest news and the best entertainment, but you are not satisfied with the quality of your television provider, you need to consider switching to DishTV. With its subscriber base of 12 million people, Dishnetwork is the fastest growing TV provider and offers the highest level of quality in programming, equipment and customer service. To make it even easier to switch to satellite TV, Dishnetwork is even offering deals to help you get your equipment and installation at no cost.

    If you have been subscribing to cable TV and have avoided considering switching to satellite because you think it will be too expensive or require a lot of confusing equipment, you will be pleasantly surprised when you check out DishNetwork service. Dishnetwork is actually cheaper than typical cable companies and offers a greater level of programming. Plus, the satellite television equipment is extremely easy to use. Your dish and receiver will be professionally installed and you will be able to ask all your questions before the installer leaves. Because the system set-up is quite intuitive, you will be sitting back and enjoying your favorite shows in no time. And, with features that include electronic program guides, favorites lists, one-touch channel return buttons, bookmarks and parental controls, you will find it incredibly easy to keep track of the hundreds of channels that will be available to you.

    With DishTV , you will also have access to such cutting-edge technology as the DVR, which will bring much-needed convenience to your television watching. With a DVR, you can easily record programs, record an entire season of shows, watch another station while recording a show and store up to 200 hours of programming. And, DVR technology lets you both pause and rewind live TV to make it easier to deal with interruptions during your favorite shows.

    Dishnetwork's technological advantages are really apparent when it comes to HDTV. While cable TV is struggling to provide a small assortment of HD channels, Dishnetwork already has an offering of 29 in genres that include sports, movies, world culture and geography, arts, fashion, games and cartoons. And, Dishnetwork offers the best equipment to make the most of your HDTV, including advanced HD receivers and special sound systems.

    Dish Network's outstanding technology makes it possible for you to experience maximum enjoyment of your television programming. With a large array of programming packages designed to suit everyone's needs, DishTV puts control back in the customer's hands. You can choose anything from a family and budget friendly 40 channel package to the ultimate HD Platinum package with 29 HD channels and 240 standard definition ones. Plus, if you are interested in foreign language and international programming, Dishnetwork offers 4 special Latino packages and 19 international packages. With any of these packages, you can add special sports programs like NBA League Pass and NHL on the Ice, A La Carte channels like BabyFirst TV or Bloomberg Television, and Dish on Demand pay per view. Plus, most packages include dozens of audio music channels and SIRIUS satellite radio stations.

    Dish Network's customer base has quickly been growing because word is getting out that you can get the best quality programming, latest technology and most options when you subscribe to one of their packages. If you want to once again be satisfied with your television provider, you owe it to yourself to switch to Dishnetwork .

    J. Hall writes articles for consumers who want to find the best Dish Network offers currently available. She has written for many major publications about the latest satellite TV deals and promotions and how buyers can find the best discounts.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JuliaHall