If You Grab Hold of the Antenna Wire Stand on One Foot with Your Thumb in Your Mouth It Looks Good

If You Grab Hold of the Antenna Wire, Stand on One Foot with Your Thumb in Your Mouth It Looks Good
By Jerry Hubbard

Satellite Dish companies are stepping up the war for new customers on the airwaves and the cable companies are answering with their own advertising campaigns. It seems like we are bombarded every day with advertisements from the television providers asking for our money and trust in their product. So who has the best deals?

Lets look at the individual players in this war.

Satellite Dish providers sell you a dish that attaches to the roof of your house (or some other convenient location) that can track the providers satellite and bring the signal into your home. Most of the dish companies are offering the dish as a free incentive to subscribing to their service so this cost is absorbed by them, which is very nice. The usually ask you to sign a contract for 18 months and they offer a relative low monthly payment for basic channels. (I am old enough to remember the only thing available was black and white reception and only 3 channels. Now you have several hundred channels available to watch. It must take hours just to find out what is on them all). If you want the other extra nice program packages it is an additional monthly cost. The addition of what you really want, movies, sports, etc. These can really bring the monthly cost up to the point of threatening your budget. Additional incentives to get your business are: Lower monthly charges for the first couple of months, DVD and HDTV. Some of these add-ons are only offered free for the first couple of months and then their charges are added to you monthly payment. Watch these as they will add up quickly. Is it really necessary to have everything? Just order what you can afford.

If you should want to move during your contract period it is nice to know that they will move your equipment to your new residence and you do not have to go through all the trouble of starting over. There may be a fee for this service but you never have to worry about moving to an area where you cannot get reception and that is really nice. They frown on your trying to cancel the contract and there is usually a stiff penalty so be sure that you want to pay the monthly fees before you sign up.

The Satellite Dish programs are all very good and offer installation for several rooms, free installation, free upgrade and outstanding customer service.

Cable providers offer pretty much the same packages but there are some draw backs to their offers. The most disturbing is the lack of coverage in large parts of the country. I live in an area where the cable is available across the street but not on my side of the street. That seems a little strange to me but that is the way it is and nothing I can do or say will change it. Cable offers to relocate your service if you move within their territory for coverage and they will refer you to another cable company if you move out of their territory, but not all cable companies are the same and you may be looking at higher costs and fees that are not in your best interests.

Let me ask you a question, where does the cable company get their signal? Answer, from satellite dish companies. Now it seems reasonable to me that if you cut out the middle man and go straight to the provider you should save money. What happens if the satellite dish companies decide to raise the rates for the cable company? Your rates go up. (I think that the government has a control on this so it is unlikely that it will happen, but then I thought the government had control over the rates of the phone and utilities companies and my rates seem to go up every year anyway).

The good old fashion antenna in the attic is another choice, reception is not very good, no additional perks like DVD or HDTV but the cost is right. ZERO Cost.If you grab hold of the antenna wire, stand on one foot with your thumb in your mouth and turn just the right way reception will improve, but it is hard to watch the TV and stand on one foot very long so maybe you can wire up the dog.

So what is the conclusion here? Which is better for you? As always it comes down to what you can deal with. Maybe our parents were right after all. We watch too much TV, go outside and play. Costs less and is better for us, but since that is not going to happen I think the best option is Satellite Dish. Reasonable cost, good program selection, good incentive offers and can be moved to any location in the world.

Jerry Hubbard is an Internet Marketing Consultant and Business owner. Jerry resides just outside of Boulder Colorado at the foot of the Colorado Rockies. He has authored many articles to help and encourage the Newbie Internet Marketeer to succeed. He maybe reached at ipower@agoldenbiz.comYahoo messenger: jhub56Skype: hubgl59http://urltrak.com/?531:IPP:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JerryHubbard

Ham Radio Antennas

Ham Radio Antennas
By William Weaver

One of the most critical parts of a ham radio setup is the antenna. You can have the most expensive and the most powerful rig on the market today but your signal goes nowhere without a good properly setup antenna system. I will give you a basic introduction to Ham Radio Antennas here.

There are many different types of antennas for the ham radio operator. There are directional antennas such as the yagi and quad and nondirectional antennas such as the vertical. Each of these types of antennas have their place. There are wire antennas of all types and sizes depending on the frequency being used and how much room you have to put one up. Wire antennas for the most part are semi-directional and usually radiate their signals in a figure eight, broadside to the plane of the wire. Wire antennas can be made directional depending on the design and configuration. So can vertical antennas but it requires more than one antenna and adequate space to erect them.

The yagi type of antenna is directional and has several elements that are generally designed for one frequency. There are those that will tune to two or three amateur frequency bands but lose some power and bandwidth in the design. These antennas are designed to be mounted on a tower or pole type of support with a means of turning them in the direction that you want the signals to go. They are very popular with the serious hams because of their ability to receive and transmit radio signals in the desired direction.

The cubical quad antenna, like the yagi, is a directional antenna also. These antennas tend to be very large at some frequencies. They are very effective directional antennas if you have the room to put them up. Cubical quad antennas are made of wire and some kind of supporting structure such as bamboo or fiberglass poles. They also are mounted so they may be rotated into the desired direction.

Wire antennas are for the most part designed with a specific frequency in mind. They can be very simple in design such as a dipole, which is two pieces of wire insulated in the center and installed between two supports and relatively flat or supported by one pole and the sides sloping like an inverted vee shape or supported by a single pole with the wire sloping in the direction that you want the signal to go. These antennas are very simple to design, tune and install and are very popular with beginning ham radio operators. Wire antennas can be very complex also with many pieces of wire, signal traps, coils, insulators and tuner components.

These antennas are the most used types of Ham Radio Antennas. Antenna design, tuning and installation can consume a lot of the ham radio operators time, but it is very rewarding when those signals come in and go out where you want them to, with the maximum transfer of power.

Ham radio is a popular hobby for the technically inclined person. Find out more about this amazing hobby and the type of equipment used by visiting: http://www.amateurradios.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=WilliamWeaver

Marine Satellite TV Antenna

Marine Satellite TV Antenna
By Morten Hansen

Why settle for over the air television and radio while you are at sea ? Now you can enjoy marine satellite TV antenna systems that let you watch satellite TV and listen to satellite radio. You can even go online.

Your marine satellite TV antenna will allow you to capture and then track the signal that is broadcast from a satellite. As with anything not all antennas are created equal. Here are some of the best features on the market.

  • Dual LNB converter lets you watch two separate programs on two TVs.
  • Fast search algorithm gives you quick satellite identification and acquisition.
  • Dynamic tilting lets you adjust the antenna to track the satellite even when the weather is extreme.
  • A marine satellite TV antenna can range in size from 14.5 inches to 24 inches in diameter and on average they weigh around 30 pounds.

    If you have never purchased a marine satellite TV antenna you might be surprised at the cost. They start around $500 for a fixed mount antenna and jump all the way up to $7000 or more for the best on the market with all the bells and whistles.

    If you are not sure which marine satellite TV antenna is best for you do a Google search and do some research on whats on the market and what each antenna has to offer. It will better prepare you for making the right decision about which antenna is right for your situation.

    Once you have found the antenna you want you can Froogle to comparison shop. Here you can find the antenna you are looking for offered by different companies so you can find the absolute best price and an active link to that store.

    You are going to need more than a marine satellite TV antenna. To go with that antenna you are going to need a marine satellite TV receiver that will decode the satellite system so that you can send it through to your TV set.

    You can get self-contained units that include both the receiver and antenna or you can purchase the two pieces separately. You can also get a free DISH Network or DIRECTV system.

    The two major satellite TV providers are DISH Network and DIRECTV. Dish Network has 350 satellite TV channels including general programming, movie channels, and sports packages, weather channels, news, Sirius satellite radio, and pay per view. DIRECTV has 250 satellite TV channels, which also includes movie channels, sports packages, XM radio, weather, news, regular programming, and pay per view.

    If you want all the comforts of home while you are floating around the deep blue sea then you need to invest in a marine satellite TV antenna and receiver. Youll enjoy it for many years to come.

    About The Author

    Morten Hansen has been working with Satellite TV for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that make it easier to use Satellite TV. For more details about Satellite TV visit our website www.SatelliteTvTips4you.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MortenHansen

    Do I Need A Laptop Internal WiFi Antenna?

    Do I Need A Laptop Internal WiFi Antenna?
    By David Faulkner

    In order to enhance the capability of the wireless cards of the laptops, different manufacturers provide an additional feature of internal wi-fi antenna. This is nothing but a wireless antenna used to increase the range of the wireless communication. The advent of internet as a formidable tool of communication has made its demand more, hence the need for innovation in the category. The laptop wi fi antenna is a product of the innovative advancement. The ease of surfing the internet from the luxury of your house without any wired connection, has made this product very popular. These internal antennas are easy to use; they are stretched full on top of the screen when operational. They can be folded back when not in use.

    Classification of WiFi Laptop Antenna

    We can classify the antennas into two categories on the basis of compatibility with interface wireless cards.

    There is a category of antennas, which are easily compatible with in built networking cards, and there also exists second category of antennas (which the buyer should be aware of), which are not compatible with the cards.There are numerous benefits of designing and using internal wi-fi antennas. Since it enhances the length of the access areas, these type of antennas are suitable for mobile devices. Consider the following scenario where there is a connection of wi-fi in the room but there are some obstacles between antennas and the source, which are disturbing the incoming signals. To overcome this difficulty we can either move the obstacle (which seems to be not feasible in real life) or have an antenna, which is internal to your laptop and move laptop somewhere else. Hence internal wi-fi antennas are very crucial in day-to-day life of Internet addicted people. It is also useful if someone wants to speed up its Internet connection without paying for the extra interface cards.

    While buying the internal antennas the buyers should keep certain things in mind.

    Firstly the buyer should be aware of the configuration of the interface card and whether the antenna, which he/she is buying, is compatible with the wireless card.

    Since there are various types and varieties of internal antennas available in the market, the various requirements and needs of the antenna should be analyzed. The antenna which we are buying should be able to make the life and work of the buyer much simpler rather than wasting his/her time and energy in installing the internal wireless antenna. Hence the antenna that meets all of the requirements and is also available at reasonable price should be considered for buying.

    You can also find more info on USB Wi-Fi and Voip Wi-Fi Phone. Topwifireviews.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Wi-Fi Wireless Network Technology.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DavidFaulkner

    Installing an HDTV Antenna System

    Installing an HDTV Antenna System
    By Max Adams

    The salesperson may not tell you this, but you cannot just bring home your HDTV and use your old antenna system. You will need to install an HDTV antenna to get a clear reception. The antenna you use for your HDTV is quite critical. A highly directional antenna with fringe area reception makes the best HDTV antenna.

    Most people buy an HDTV and are completely flummoxed there after. A common query asked is, - How do I install an HDTV antenna?

    Here are some things to remember when installing your antenna:

    The objective with HDTV antennas is to pick up the signal directly from the transmitting tower without picking up signals that are bouncing off buildings, electrical towers and wires. This is where fringe area antennas come handy. They are designed to reject signals coming from any direction other than straight ahead.

    An important thing to keep in mind is to avoid using an antenna mounted amplifier in urban areas. These antennas will amplify everything and make good and clear reception really difficult. With High definition televisions it is best to mount your antenna away from all reflective things and any other antennas in the area. Also try to mount the antenna as high as possible to avoid second hand signals.

    If you want to pick signals from multiple stations check the location of the stations. If the stations are more than 30 degrees apart you may need to invest in an antenna rotator for your antenna. Also, it is important to check the distance of your home from the radio station. If you live less than 5 miles from the station, you might want to invest in a 10 or 20 db attenuator to reduce the signal. This will prevent your HDTV set from being overloaded and give you a clear signal.

    Another important thing to look out for is strong signals from FM and TV stations. This is one of the most common causes of poor reception on HDTV. An FM trap or FM filter then becomes necessary. The thing to keep in mind is that the antenna will catch signals from all kinds of stations and bring in the whole broadcast spectrum. This can overload the receiver of the HDTV. Too many signals or too high a signal is just as bad as too low a signal.

    In the case that you live in the back of the beyond, are at least 30 miles away from any kind of radio station and are using the antenna to feed only one HDTV station, then you need to use an antenna mounted amplifier with a deep fringe antenna. Also to increase the life of your antennas seal all outdoor connections with coax seal or RTV. Humidity in the atmosphere can cause your connections to corrode and kill your reception.

    Thus there are several things to keep in mind when installing the antenna on your HDTV set. It is best to go in for the best antenna available on the market so that you can enjoy all the benefits of having the best in digital technology and home theatre systems.

    Max Adams is the publisher of http://www.infospotters.com - An ever growing collection of articles, tips, hints and ideas from all over the World. Here you can find facts on hundreds of subjects including sports, entertainment, technology and relationships.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MaxAdams

    Marine Satellite TV Antenna and System Get the Best for Less

    Marine Satellite TV Antenna and System - Get the Best for Less
    By Brian Stevens

    You don't have to settle for over-the-air TV and radio while at sea. Now you can have a marine satellite TV system that allows you to watch satellite TV, listen to satellite radio, and even go online.

    Marine Satellite TV Antenna

    Marine satellite TV antennas capture and track the signal being broadcast from a satellite. The best antennas feature:

    * Dual LNB (low-noise block) converter - allows you to watch two separate programs on two TVs.

    * Fast search algorithm - for fast satellite identification and acquisition.

    * Dynamic Tilting - adjusts the antenna to track a satellite in extreme weather conditions.

    Marine antennas vary in size from 14.5 in diameter to 24 in diameter, and weigh around 30 pounds.

    Marine satellite TV antennas cost anywhere from $500 for a fixed mount antenna to more than $7,000 for a top-of-the-line antenna/receiver combo with all the bells and whistles.

    To get a better idea about which marine satellite TV antenna would be best for your particular situation, do an Internet search for marine satellite TV antennas or call your local marine retailer.

    When you know which antenna you want, click on the Froogle shopping comparison website - froogle.google.com - to compare prices. Here you'll see all the marine satellite TV antennas listed by price and get more product information by clicking on a particular store's website link.

    Marine Satellite TV System

    In addition to an antenna, a marine satellite TV system consists of a receiver to decode the satellite signal and send it to a TV.

    You can get self-contained units that consist of an antenna and receiver, or you can get an antenna and purchase a separate receiver or get one free from DISH Network or DIRECTV (click on links below for info).

    Satellite TV Programming

    There are two major satellite TV providers - DISH Network and DIRECTV.

    DISH Network has 350 channels of satellite TV programs, movie channels, sports packages, Sirius satellite radio, news and weather channels, and pay-per-view programs. Their prices start at $19.99 for 40 channels, and they will give you a free dish and up to four free receivers when you subscribe to their service.

    DIRECTV has 250 channels of satellite TV programs, sports packages, movie channels, XM radio, news and weather, plus pay-per-view programs. Their programming starts at $41.99 for 155 channels, and they too will give you a free dish and four free receivers when you subscribe to their service.

    Note: Click on the links below for more information on satellite TV programming.

    Bottom Line

    If you want all the comforts of home while at sea, then a marine satellite TV system is something you should consider. They're relatively easy to install, can be set up on almost any size boat, and will give you years of enjoyment.

    Visit http://www.TheSatelliteTVGuide for more information, ordering information, plus the latest offers and free bonuses from DISH Network satellite TV. Click on this link to compare DIRECTV vs. DISH Network.

    The author, Brian Stevens, is the senior editor for TheSatelliteTVGuide.com and has written extensively on marine satellite TV antennas and systems.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=BrianStevens

    Satellite Communication Overview of the Technology & the Antenna System Part IV

    Satellite Communication Overview of the Technology & the Antenna System Part IV
    By John Dulaney

    Key Issues

    Looking ahead of 1990's, one could observe a very rapid expansion of global market in satellite communication into personal communication and new mobile satellite services, such as Personal Communication System (PCS) and Mobile satellite Services (MSS) respectively, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems, Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation, and new direct broadcast satellite services. LEO satellite services were introduced towards the end of 1990's, and the growth depended on the competitive factors. The conventional Fixed Satellite services (FSS) and Maritime Mobile Satellite Services (MMSS) grew steadily but not as before.

    Optical fiber cables, now forming a greater part of this communication revolution through out the world, severely challenged the fixed satellite services. Very high data rates, similar to High Dynamic Range (HDR) graphics, which requires greater than 155Mb per second of data transfer, which required excellent signal conditioning, were being carried by the fiber optics cables. Fiber optic cables have a better performance than satellites, having much less time delay in transmission. It was a time when satellite services needed to prove its advantage on HDR applications and networking, having a more modest data rates, for example T1=1.5Mb per second. A T-1 line actually consists of 24 individual channels, each of which supports up-to 64Kbits per second data rate. The advantages include, wide area coverage, distance insensitivity, flexibility, multiple access and destination capabilities and economy. Although much of the HDR traffic, such as multi-channel telephone trunks, from satellites to cables, will be transmitted through fiber optics cables, new opportunities opened up for HDR satellites to carry HDTV picture signal distribution, and also support the emerging field of Distributed High Performance Computing (DHPC). To gain access to this application market, HDR satellites needed to be developed and deployed commercially.

    It was clear by now that the world of satellite communication was changing fast and threats existed for fixed satellite services, while new opportunities opened up in mobile, broadcast and personal services. Presently, the US leadership in satellite communication is being challenged, while it was undoubtedly the leader of such technology and was an agent of the changes in the past.

    There are reasons as to why there has been a bleak assessment of the future of US in satellite communication technology. The important reasons include, the governments reduced role, lagging R&D effort, lack of systems conceptualisation, non-focusing of effort in new applications, and lack of effective industrial liaison and co-operation. On record, the assessment shows that during 1970's and 1980's there was extremely limited activity in US in the area of satellite communications projects, while there were frequent diverse research programs that were going on in Europe and Japan. Although these projects are of a different technology and much less budgeted than the US ones, the overall impression of US losing ground in the area of satellite communication is essentially correct.

    The setting up of policy, planning, and supporting industrial development in different countries varies widely, with the governments of each country playing a key role in such activities. The policies and planning of the governments in Europe and Japan are far more aggressive than that of US, with the resources for such development being far more deployed. In-fact, in the last ten years, NASA has spent much less in satellite communication than its counterparts, the Japanese National Space Development Agency (NASDA) or the European Space Agency (ESA), although NASA's total budget is many times greater.

    Satellite Communication Technologies

    A brief discussion, relating to the assessment of satellite communication technology, is presented here.

    The Antenna System

    A component of active transmitter and receiver, the antenna is a transducer between electromagnetic waves in space and voltages or currents in a transmission line. The receiving antenna transforms the receiving radio waves into electrical signals which are processed for necessary information. On the other hand, a transmitting antenna converts electrical signal into radio waves and transmits them to the Earth stations. The radio waves (signals) received and transmitted by the two antennas are based on certain frequencies and the receive frequency is always different from the transmitted one. These two frequencies are kept separate owing to the reason that if they were the same, there would conflict between the received and transmitted signals. These antennas are generally directional antenna, transmitting more power in some direction than others. The directional property of an antenna is represented by its radiation pattern, which are generally 3-dimensional.

    An antenna needs power to transmit. This power lets the antenna transmit over greater distances. This ability to transmit depends on the gain of the antenna. The more the gain, the antenna can transmit a greater distance. This power is derived from the onboard electrical power generation in a satellite. Here there is a limitation on this power. A battery bank and solar cell panels, provide power to the onboard satellite systems. The solar panels are active during the sun-light times, as it powers the satellite systems and charges the battery bank as well. In dark the solar system cannot work and the battery bank starts to provide the generation. A dark situation occurs when the Earth comes in-between the satellite and the Sun, when the battery bank switches on to supply the power required.

    In order to know more about antenna, let us now look at some of the terms used in defining an antenna characteristic. First, the radio signals received or transmitted by an antenna is related as frequencies and expressed in Hertz (Hz). Frequency has been names as Hertz (Hz), after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1847-1894), who was first to transmit and receive radio waves. Hertz is a measure of the frequency and denotes the number of cycles that a signal undergoes in a second. For example, if a signal makes a complete cycle in one second, that is measured as 1Hz. As for the term Bandwidth in the concept of radio communication, the difference between the highest frequency signal component and its lowest one, in terms of Hz, is the spectrum which is called the bandwidth of the signal. A typical voice signal has a bandwidth of 3 kHz, that is to say that the frequency of a voice lies within 3 kilo hertz bandwidth, where-as the TV signal has a bandwidth of 6MHz, some 2,000 times as wide as the voice. In here, k and M denote kilo and Mega respectively. For understanding, the table below provides the conversions:

    Table 1

    I kHz1000 Hz
    1MHz1000 kHz
    1 GHz1000 MHz


    k = Kilo
    M = Mega
    G = Giga

    Staying in the subject of bandwidth, generally three types of bandwidths are utilised in satellite communication and these are, Ku-band, L-band and C-band. The Ku-band uses frequencies from 14 Giga Hertz to 14.5 Giga Hertz (see Table 1), for up-linking signals from the Earth stations to the satellite and 11.7GHz and 12.7GHz and for down-linking from the satellite to the Earth stations.

    It has been mentioned above, that receiving and transmitting frequencies, to and from the satellite are kept wide apart, to avoid any interference between the two. The higher frequencies, Ku-band frequencies are significantly more susceptible to signal quality problems caused by rainfalls. This is known as ain-fading.

    L-band frequencies range from 390MHz to 1,55GHz. Satellite communication and terrestrial communications between satellite equipment uses this band of frequencies. L-band higher frequencies are less susceptible to rain-fading compared to Ku-band signals.

    The original frequency band allocated for satellite communication is the C-band frequency, which uses 3.7GHz to 4.2Ghz for down-linking signals to the Earth stations and 5.925GHz to 6.425Ghz for up-linking from the Earth stations. The lower frequency ranges in this band have a better performance under bad weather conditions than the Ku-band frequencies. Variations of C-band frequencies are being used in different parts of the world and these are classified as, Extended C-band, Super Extended C-Band, INSAT C-Band, etc. C-band requires a larger Earth station dish antenna, varying between 3 inches to 9 inches, depending on the design parameters. Reflector antennas are mostly used in traditional geostationary satellite, having applications in fixed satellite services (FSS) and maritime mobile satellite service (MMSS). These are used to link L-band, C-band and Ku-band, which require high gain antennas with parabolic dish structure. A reflector antenna is the one which has a spherical wave-front, which means that the radiations of the signals from the antenna are spherical in nature, one in which the energy spreads out in all directions away from the antenna and produces a pattern that is not very directional. A parabolic antenna is specifically used for high directivity. These antennas are illuminated by a set of feed antennas or indirectly through a system of sub-reflectors. A feed antenna will generally consist of a horn type structure, having electronics components for signal amplifications and signal conditioning circuitry. This feed antenna is mounted at the absolute center of the dish reflector antenna, with the horn facing the center of the dish. There could be multiple horns in such feed antenna.

    Most of the Low Earth Orbit satellites have space constraint to have any of the type of parabolic antennas. Instead they have antennas which are known as Whip Antenna. There is ofcourse a shrink in the gain of the antenna in comparison to the reflector antenna as used with the geosynchronous satellites. This loss of gain is compensated by the reduction in the distance that such satellites orbit the Earth, being just 2,000 kilo meters as compared to 40,000 kilo meters for the geosynchronous satellites.

    The ground antennas for the low Earth orbiting satellites are of generally Yagi or Helix design. Low Earth orbiting satellites use very low frequencies in receiving and transmitting signals and the dish antennas would be impractically large. There is not much of a difference between the requirement of a low Earth orbiting satellite and a geosynchronous one and with the advent of modern systems, like Motorola's IRIDIUM, that require sophisticated beaming of signals, low Earth orbiting satellites may soon have phased arrays and reflector antennas.

    The Yagi antenna derives its name from two Japanese inventors, Yagi and Uda. This is the reason why the antenna is also referred to as Yagi-Uda antenna. The invention was first published in 1928, which was presented by Yagi himself. This type of antenna consists of an array of a dipole and additional parasitic elements. There is another element, a reflector, slightly larger in length than that of a dipole. This arrangement gives antenna better directional characteristic than a single dipole antenna. Yagi antennas are directional, along the axis perpendicular to its plane of elements, from the reflector to the driven parasitic elements. It is interesting to note that additional directors in these type of antennas increase directivity of the signals, where-as, addition of further reflectors makes no significant difference.

    The gain of a Yagi antenna is controlled by the number of elements that it has. However, spacing the elements is also a design factor in terms of gain of such antenna. The design of the Yagi antenna has many inter-related variables, and earlier designs were not being able to achieve the full potential or performance of these antennas. Today's computer design has made a great impact of the design characteristics and greater improvement in performance has been achieved.

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    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JohnDulaney

    Cell Phone Antenna May Pose Health Hazards

    Cell Phone Antenna May Pose Health Hazards
    By Peter Lenkefi

    There is growing consensus that cell phone antennas may be harmful to humans due to the huge volume of electromagnetic waves that get concentrated around it during the receipt and placing of calls. This danger is even further aggravated by cellular manufacturers who place the internal antennas close to the earpiece.

    Mobile phones are basically radio sets and therefore emit energy radio signals that can penetrate the body and cause harm. There have been several commissions on the study of the effect of mobile phone on the human body and the most pronounced has been The Stewart Report which suggested that radio waves indeed penetrate human bodies from mobile phone antennas and specially recommended that children who obviously have softer skulls be extra careful and use the device sparingly. The report further went on to state that the brain cells of children are not as fully developed as those of adults and can therefore be at greater risk as they absorb the radiation more than fully hardened adult skulls.

    These hazards may exist but cell phones have become part of everyday living like cars and cannot be dispensed with. In the light of this fact, doing away with our phones may not be a practical approach to solving the health hazards issue. Rather we can adopt some habits to mitigate the effects of the radiation.

    Children should not use cell phones for long calls. They should sue land lines instead so as to minimize the length of contact with the radiation emitted by the device.

    Consumers should buy phones with low specific absorption rate (SAR). Mobile phones should be kept away from the body as much as possible. They can be put in the purse or bag and only brought into contact with the body when there is the need to make or receive a call.Users should try to keep their conversations short.

    If possible, SMS messages can be sent instead of calls so that there is less contact with the body especially around the skull area.Keep switching between both ears so that one particular ear does not absorb the full brunt of the radiation all the time.Radiation emission is at the highest when the phone is trying to connect so keep the phone away from the skull till you see the call fully connected.

    Weak signal results in higher radiation so avoid making calls in areas where reception is poor as the device will try to boost its power to get you a connection and resultantly bombard you with more radiation.We cannot do away with cellular devices looking at the convenience they have ushered consumers in. Nevertheless, we can adopt some helpful attitudes to minimize the harmful effects this technology is bringing to mankind.

    For more more information about the hazards that cell phone antenas may pose please visit http://www.cellular-mobile-phones.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=PeterLenkefi

    The Satellite Radio Antenna Choosing the Antenna That's Right for You

    The Satellite Radio Antenna - Choosing the Antenna That's Right for You
    By Jonathan Dalton

    The Satellite radio antenna is one of three basic hardware components youll need to receive those digital audio streams from your favourite Satellite radio service provider.

    Although both providers offer similar services and use similar technologies, the associated hardware, including the antenna, is designed to receive either XM or Sirius programming. We have read articles where listeners have interchanged antennas with some success but it is not recommended.

    The antennas task is to pick up the signals transmitted from the Satellites and terrestrial repeaters scattered about the U.S., with a reliable receive performance. In order to achieve this, the antenna must have an unobstructed view (line-of-sight) of at least one orbiting satellite. In urban areas where buildings and terrain are likely to block the Satellite signal, the antenna picks up the signal broadcast from the terrestrial repeaters instead.

    To ensure an uninterrupted Satellite radio service, both Sirius and XM provide recommendations for ideal antenna mounting locations. Furthermore, many home and plug-and-play Satellite radio units offer special antenna aiming screens within their menu options.

    With a rapid advancement in Satellite radio antenna technology, XM and Sirius are able to offer their listeners a wide range of antennas, accessories and flexible installation options.

    So the question: Which Satellite radio antenna do I need? Although taste can play a small part in choosing the right antenna, the decision largely depends on whether you want to listen to Satellite radio in your vehicle, on your boat, at home or indeed anywhere! One thing you can be sure of is that all Satellite radio antennas available today are neither too cumbersome, nor impose limitations on your vehicle, boat or homes aesthetics.

    For more information please visit: http://www.the-satellite-radio-advisor.com

    This article may be freely reproduced so long as the link above is included in its entirety.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JonathanDalton

    Watch FREE HDTV with an Outdoor Antenna

    Watch FREE HDTV with an Outdoor Antenna
    By David Z

    With an outdoor antenna you can watch HDTV for free of cost. All you need is a high definition television or an HDTV-ready television. If you have a HDTV-ready TV then you might need high-def tuners such as Humax HRA100. These are high def tuners that will enable you to watch HDTV for free. This tuner can receive broadcasts that are high-def.

    You need an antenna that can be installed outdoor which is connected to your HDTV or the high-def tuner. If you are close to the tower that broadcasts high-def signals then you can use indoor antennas also. The HDTV signals are considered as line-of-sight signals and hence you get a better reception of the HDTV signals if your antenna is in line with the tower that broadcasts the HDTV signal. For this purpose it is better to install your antenna in the roof of your house.

    Some of the tools and the accessories that you need to install the HDTV antenna in your roof and then to connect it to the HDTV or the high-def tuners are, Mounting hardware, wrench, drill, screwdriver, grounding wire (the length should be sufficient to run from the antenna to the ground), grounding strap, coax grounding block, and a shielded 72 ohm coaxial cable (all weather). The length of the coaxial cable will depend on the distance from the antenna and the place where you have your HDTV or the high-def tuner. A short cable to connect to the TV and the dwelling where you bring the cable from the antenna is needed. With these tools and accessories you can connect your HDTV to the antenna on the roof top of your house.

    If you are planning to buy an HDTV antenna there are many models available in the market. You have the choice of choosing the right model according to the budget you have. If you need any assistance to choose the right antenna there are websites for that purpose. A simple search in a search engine would give you lots of tips on that topic. These websites have an easy to use interface that enables you to key in your address and then they give you the choice of the HDTV antenna that might suit your location. They decide on the choice by considering the tower that broadcasts HDTV signals to your location. The distance of the tower plays a role in the choice of the antenna. It is better to choose one that is certified by Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). The most popular are the ones that have multi-element in them. With multiple elements the ghost images are reduced drastically.

    While installing your HDTV antenna on the roof top it is better to have an assembly that can be moved easily. You should also be able to rotate the antenna to adjust the direction of the elements so that they are in line with the broadcasting tower. If you have two or more broadcasting towers within a short angle of the placement of your antenna, then you can use devices like antenna rotator to select the best tower from which you receive the HDTV signal. After you place the antenna make sure that you are connecting the antenna and the HDTV with the coaxial cable. Make sure that there are no metallic objects near the antenna. Metallic objects interfere with the way the antenna functions.

    After you have installed your antenna tune in to some station and then adjust the angle of the antenna so that you receive a strong HDTV signal. Once you get the right quality of signal tighten the screws of your antenna and secure the antenna. Don't forget to ground the antenna to protect your HDTV from the electrical surges that may appear from time to time.

    To know more about HDTV features and specifications, please visit HDTV Information Center

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    To know more about HDTV features and specifications, please visit http://www.hdtv-info-center.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DavidZ

    WiFi Patch Antenna

    Wi-Fi Patch Antenna
    By David Faulkner

    IEEE standard 802.11 is commonly used for wireless networks. The wireless networks have many uses. It helps in the mobility and portability of he nodes. In other words the nodes are not tied to each other with wires. They are free to move within the network.

    Among the various technologies of wireless networks, Wifi is one of the most promising and popular. The popularity of wifi network can be judged from the fact that many laptop manufacturers have manufactured such laptops which have inbuilt wifi. The wifi technology is now spreading to other devices also like mp3 players, toys, digital picture frame, portable phones and many other appliances, which have proved to be handy in our day-to-day life.

    These days the wifi networks are established in most of the public places like libraries, coffee shops, offices, homes etc. The devices are now made with built-in wifi features.But more equipments are now available which helps to enhance the present capability of wifi system.

    The range of a wifi router or access device is around 300 ft is inside a room or 800 to 1000 feet outdoors. Any obstacle in the way of transmission can severely decrease the range of these devices. In order to increase and enhance the range of wifi devices, antennas are used.

    Wifi patch antenna

    A wifi patch antenna as the name suggests is very small and compact as compared to regular wifi antennas available. A wifi antenna adds about 8dBi to the access.

    A wifi patch antenna is very light in weight and is surely eye-catching.

    Since wifi patch antenna is portable, it can prove to be very useful to persons who travel moat of the time like businessmen. With the help of wifi patch antenna the access area can be increased and internet can be accessed even if the person is some distance away from access point. A wifi patch antenna can also prove very useful in homes where there are large number of obstacles. A normal antenna would not function as efficiently as a patch antenna.

    With increase in popularity of internet, there is a huge demand for more areas to be wifi enabled. People now want to access internet from any place away from home, in office, in parks etc. The wifi patch antenna proves very useful in accessing the network far from any access points. This kind of antenna is becoming a necessity for people like businessmen. The wifi patch antenna is worth spending money on.

    You can also find more info on Wi-Fi and Get Wi-Fi Antenna. Topwifireviews.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Wi-Fi Wireless Network Technology.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DavidFaulkner

    The New OldFashioned Antenna

    The New Old-Fashioned Antenna
    By Michael Russell

    And just why would you want to go back to the old days and connect to an outdoor antenna? It just may give you better picture quality on your high-definition (HD) television. More and more local television channels are broadcasting in HD. But you say you already have cable or satellite. Great! The problem might be that the satellite provider or the cable TV company may compress the signal before sending it to you, giving you a poorer picture. And they may charge an additional fee for local channels. An outside antenna with the right technology will give you local HD broadcasts that are not compressed and it is free.

    You may not really care about HD television. You may be perfectly happy with analog (old fashion) broadcasts on your current TV. It wont be long and you wont have a choice. The United States government is requiring all broadcasters to switch to digital by February 2009. That isnt all that many page turns on the calendar.

    The pictures you get, or will get on an HD television with an antenna will be great. If you arent aware of digital technology, you dont get a weak, fuzzy or snowy signal. You either get a flawless signal or none at all, just a black screen. There would be no snow like you sometimes got years ago from your old antenna and analog signals.

    So if you get either a perfect picture or no picture, why not just use rabbit ears? Good question. You can. Rabbit ears, or other inside antennae, tend to work just fineif you are within 25 miles of the local stations broadcast facility. Typically you should expect an outside antenna to capture signals from about 70 miles away, depending on what is in between you and the broadcast tower. Mountains and prisons are two great signal blockers, for example.

    You may be wondering how an outside antenna can possible give you a better quality than cable, if you are like many others. We think that way, or we wouldnt have joined up with cable or satellite in the first place. Your cable or satellite provider needs to provide you with many HD channels or choices. They have to make sure there is room for all of those choices. To make sure there is room they sometimes compress, or remove, a certain amount of data from the signal you end up with at your television. Your local HD broadcaster doesnt care about providing space for other broadcasters. In fact, they would be perfectly happy if you simply watched their station only. There is no data removed, no signal compression.

    If you are an ESPN, CNN, History Channel, Disney Channel, or Weather Channel junkie, you wont be capturing them with just an antenna, inside or out. You can add an antenna as a signal source to your cable or satellite system and, for a small price, enjoy the ultimate your local broadcasters have to offer, along with the other channels you are addicted to.

    If you decide you want to try either an indoor or outdoor antenna for HDTV, they range in price from about $20 to $170. You can also try making your own. It isnt that difficult and would save you even more money.

    No matter if you are interested in HDTV or not, the time is coming when you wont have a choice. An antenna may be your answer. Even if it isnt, they are cheap enough or easy enough to make yourself that you can test the performance out before you make a final decision.

    Once again, what is old is made new.

    Michael RussellYour Independent guide to Antennas

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MichaelRussell

    Satellite Radio Antennas Are More Than Useful

    Satellite Radio Antennas Are More Than Useful
    By Carl Walker

    What are satellite radio antennas and what are their uses? This is the question that many people ask themselves when they hear about satellite radio antennas. As you read this article you will get an idea on what a satellite radio antenna is. Also you will learn what are their uses, functions and a lot of great pointers on where to buy one, what types are there and how to take care of it.

    In order for you to listen and watch your programs you need a satellite radio antenna. This allows the module that you are using to communicate with its home base; the home base includes all of the programs and it allows you to choose what you would like to view. This all sounds like something out of a sci fi movie, but it is not. Your television, radio, even your computer has a satellite radio antenna.

    Now that you know what satellite radio antennas are here are some of their main functions and uses. When you turn on your satellite in order for you to watch any of your programs on it the main thing needed is the satellite radio antenna. It allows the base (your PSP) to communicate with the main base of the whole entire system. This gives you the ability to either listen to your music or watch your programs, which ever you may choose.

    Many people wonder where they can buy satellite radio antennas. You may buy one in your local hardware store. There is no specific company you should purchase your antenna from because different companies make different types of these mechanisms.

    The different types usually go based on the use of the satellite radio antennas. You may be buying it for your car, bike, and stereo system or maybe even just for your house. They all have the same functions and every company that makes them to does their best to suit you and all of your needs.

    The best way you can take care of you satellite radio antenna is to keep it out of water, as we all know electricity and water are not what we could call the greatest of friends. Also, these should be kept out of the reach of any young children; if yours is already inside of something you should make sure that it stays in there but if not any young child can swallow it and cause much harm. If this does happen please alert the police department as quickly as you can.

    Now that you know what satellite radio antennas are, their functions, where to buy one and how to care for it you are ready to buy your own. Always keep in mind that depending on what size and type of a satellite radio antenna will vary in its price range. If you buy something for cheap it wont last too long but you did not spend that much money on it, but if you buy something expensive it will last longer even if you did spend that extra hundred dollars on it.

    Satellite Radio HQ talks about the history of satellite radio, the equipment you'll need, the satellite radio channels you can receive and much more.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=CarlWalker

    Antennas That You Should Consider for Better Signals

    Antennas That You Should Consider for Better Signals
    By Victor Epand

    If you have absolutely no signal at your house and have to travel a distance before you pick up a signal the prospects are grim. If you have some kind of signal outside of house then an external antenna should help you. The external antenna is the nature os signle used in cellular phones.

    Televisions operate in a different frequency range than cellular phones, so hooking up to the television because you think it will improve or signal, will not improve your signal at all. Stick antennas, are of little help as well. But most of the cellular phone stores do sell regulare antennas for cellular phones.

    In addition to an external antenna, an inline amplifier would strengthen your signal even more. External mount cell phone antennas can give you better strengthen indoors as well. To stay up to date with your antenna signal, you should update your cellular phone, to the most recent tower listing at least once a mouth.

    But be careful to get one that works with digital phones. The old style phones that worked on analong will not work with digital phones.

    There are antenna's that you can mount on the roof of your house. This, of course, would require you to be connected to the antenna. Cellular Compnaies have booster or temp sites that they use to boost the signal for events.

    However, to get one of these antennas would be very expensive and I'm not too sure where you would be able to even get one.

    Your best change for gaining a signal in your house will be with a Yagi antenna on the roof with a cellular amplifier in the antenna line to boost the signal.

    The Yagi antenna is a directional antenna that you aim at the tower. There are two Yagi antennae for cellular. One is for the 800 MHz band and the other is for the 1900 MHz band.

    In order to find out which one of this bands are in your location, you will need to contact your cell phone company. So that they can determine which one is in that location.

    The Cell Zone wireless cell phone signal booster is a revolutionary, patent pending new product that greatly improves indoor cell phone coverage. There are no monthly fees, no programs to install, and no calls to the carrier to set up service. Simply put the signal antenna outdoors where there is signal, run the cable to the base unit, plug it in and instantly you have created a new cell zone! The signal booster captures the wireless signal outside, brings it inside to the antenna amplifier and enhances, or boosts, the cell phone signal in your home or office where you need it the most. The signal booster not only reduces/eliminates static and dropped calls, but it also improves battery life of your wireless phone since your cell phone uses less power when the signal is stronger. And unlike other lesser quality cell phone signal boosters out in the market, the Cell Zone works wirelessly so you do not need to plug your cell phone into the booster!

    If a particular carrier uses both frequencies in your area, the website will list that carrier several times in order of the most cell sites of a particular frequency within your zip code.

    Victor Epand is an expert agent for BuyCellularPhones.info, a huge cellphone superstore featuring great prices and rebates on cellphones including Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, Audiovox, LG, RIM Blackberry, Sanyo, Sony Ericsson, and others.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=VictorEpand

    Antenna How One Works

    Antenna - How One Works
    By Michael Russell

    It's probably not something many people are interested in unless they're some kind of an electrical engineer or just bored, but understanding how an antenna works can be useful when the one on your TV or radio goes south on you and the reason is beyond your comprehension.

    Trying to explain how an antenna works in simple English is not an easy task as there are a lot of technical specifications that need to be explained. But a general understanding is possible without getting into tech speak that would make Einstein cringe.

    In order for an antenna to work it has to radiate. Your antenna, whether TV or radio has what is called free electrons running through it. It is these free electrons that vibrate. The question becomes, how do these free electrons vibrate and what causes them to vibrate?

    Well, in real life it takes an electric field to move an electron. If you take an isolated straight dipole, the power comes from the combined fields of all the charged particles, both positive and negative, in the antenna. We'll call this field the antenna's coulomb field.

    In addition to this field, the antenna exhibits a magnetic field that is the sum of the magnetic fields of all the free moving electrons. The antenna also has a dynamic electric field that is the vector sum of the dynamic electric fields of all the free electrons. What we can do is separate the electric field of the antenna at any point in space into two components. One of the components will be in phase with the total magnetic field and the other will be 90 degrees out of phase. The in-phase component is the radiation field of the antenna and the out of phase component is the induction field. At the antenna, both fields are parallel to the metal surface.

    What happens is that the coulomb field and the induction field fall off much more quickly than the radiation field as the distance increases from the antenna. When you reach distances greater than a few wavelengths from the antenna, you have what is called the antenna's far field. This field is pure radiation. As you get closer to the antenna you have what is called the antenna's near field. This field is a mixture of radiation, coulomb, and induction fields. Still with us? Great, we're getting to the good part.

    What ultimately happens with all these fields that makes it so that your TV or radio picks up signals through your antenna is this. The free electrons moving through your antenna are moving at their maximum speed. The right hand half of your antenna accumulates electrons. The left hand half of your antenna is where the electrons depart and leave an excess of charged ions. The coulomb field produces an imbalance and opposes the electrons' rightward motion. The electrons then stop, coast for a bit and then head back towards the left. After they reach maximum speed they then stop and process is repeated, now heading back to the right. The result is a vibration of free electrons that heats the metal and in turn generates electromagnetic waves.

    And that, in as simple English as possible, is how your antenna works.

    Michael Russell
    Your Independent guide to Antennas

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MichaelRussell

    A Wide Antenna Half World In Order To Capture The Ghost Previewed From Einstein

    A Wide Antenna Half World In Order To Capture The Ghost Previewed From Einstein
    By Abu Murad

    It begins the hunting to the gravitational waves from part of Virgo, the experiment Italian-French who hour collaborates with the analogous experiments Americans LigoAn only virtual antenna that, crossing all the Atlantic, leaves from Italy and arrives to the coasts of the Pacific in order to try to establish the existence of the gravitational waves, the ghost previewed from Einstein 91 years ago and never observed up to now. E' this the meant one of the collaboration whose beginning has been celebrated some days before, to Shack, near Pisa.

    The hunting to the gravitational waves will be taken advantage therefore of the collaboration of powerful crews, which the experiment Italian-French Virgo and that American Ligo in Louisiana and the State of Washington. Virgo, Ligo and the German experiment GEO constitute therefore, together virtual an only antenna that leave from Italy, cross the Atlantic and arrive on the coasts of the Pacific.

    And' a experiment constructed together from the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and from French CNRS to open the eyes in these days on the Universe in order to try to pick up these marks them many coming from weak people from great stars that collassano or from other cosmic events of greatest capacity like that they are involved the black holes. From 18 May it has entered in fact in Virgo function, interferometer of the gravitational observatory Ego, situated to Pisa Shack. Virgo, the greatest European interferometer joins to the interferometers of the Ligo plan in the United States, and to Geo600 in Germany. They are all blots some based on makes laser us of highest precision that bounce for kilometers on perfect mirrors suspended to structures of hang them and counterbalances that prevent it although minimal vibration to they.

    The international collaboration that it has begun to move the first steps operated to you will allow to verify with greater certainty the arrival of a gravitational wave, its origin in the cosmos and its structure. They go back to the years the 60 first experiments in order to characterize the gravitational waves. In 1989 it has been formulated the first proposal to create Virgo, whose construction is begun in 1996. The cost of the structure Italian-French is of 78 million euro for the single construction. In the 2003 system it has been completed and have been necessary 4 years for the calibration of the instruments and the subsystems

    Gravitational Waves : http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/LIGOweb/about/brochure.htmlMy website: http://www.4engr.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=AbuMurad