A Wide Antenna Half World In Order To Capture The Ghost Previewed From Einstein

A Wide Antenna Half World In Order To Capture The Ghost Previewed From Einstein
By Abu Murad

It begins the hunting to the gravitational waves from part of Virgo, the experiment Italian-French who hour collaborates with the analogous experiments Americans LigoAn only virtual antenna that, crossing all the Atlantic, leaves from Italy and arrives to the coasts of the Pacific in order to try to establish the existence of the gravitational waves, the ghost previewed from Einstein 91 years ago and never observed up to now. E' this the meant one of the collaboration whose beginning has been celebrated some days before, to Shack, near Pisa.

The hunting to the gravitational waves will be taken advantage therefore of the collaboration of powerful crews, which the experiment Italian-French Virgo and that American Ligo in Louisiana and the State of Washington. Virgo, Ligo and the German experiment GEO constitute therefore, together virtual an only antenna that leave from Italy, cross the Atlantic and arrive on the coasts of the Pacific.

And' a experiment constructed together from the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and from French CNRS to open the eyes in these days on the Universe in order to try to pick up these marks them many coming from weak people from great stars that collassano or from other cosmic events of greatest capacity like that they are involved the black holes. From 18 May it has entered in fact in Virgo function, interferometer of the gravitational observatory Ego, situated to Pisa Shack. Virgo, the greatest European interferometer joins to the interferometers of the Ligo plan in the United States, and to Geo600 in Germany. They are all blots some based on makes laser us of highest precision that bounce for kilometers on perfect mirrors suspended to structures of hang them and counterbalances that prevent it although minimal vibration to they.

The international collaboration that it has begun to move the first steps operated to you will allow to verify with greater certainty the arrival of a gravitational wave, its origin in the cosmos and its structure. They go back to the years the 60 first experiments in order to characterize the gravitational waves. In 1989 it has been formulated the first proposal to create Virgo, whose construction is begun in 1996. The cost of the structure Italian-French is of 78 million euro for the single construction. In the 2003 system it has been completed and have been necessary 4 years for the calibration of the instruments and the subsystems

Gravitational Waves : http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/LIGOweb/about/brochure.htmlMy website: http://www.4engr.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=AbuMurad